51 - 75 of 84
Number of results to display per page
51 Inpatient Rapid Response Team: Creating a Standardized Approach2016Textehsl_ebp
52 Integrated Critical Care Staffing Model Utilizing Advanced Practice Clinician's and Physicians2019Textehsl_gradnu
53 Integration of APCs in the ICU2019Textehsl_gradnu
54 The Integration of the Three-Wishes Project in an Oncology Specialized Intensive Care Unit: A Palliative Care Project2024Textehsl_gradnu
55 The Integration of the Three-Wishes Project in an Oncology Specialized Intensive Care Unit: A Palliative Care Project2024Textehsl_gradnu
56 Interview with Katelyn, Jordan, and Daniel Brandley conducted by Dr. Gretchen Case2021-07-15Image/MovingImageuum_uc19
57 Intubation Guideline for the Intensive Care Unit2022Textehsl_gradnu
58 Job satisfaction among intensive care nurses as related to professional growth needs and performance appraisal systems1985-03Textir_etd
59 Making a Diabetic Ketoacidosis Computerized Order Set User-Friendly2014Textehsl_gradnu
60 Needs Assessment for a Chaplain Program in a Thoracic Intensive Care Unit2024Textehsl_gradnu
61 Needs Assessment for a Chaplain Program in a Thoracic Intensive Care Unit2024Textehsl_gradnu
62 Non-Invasive Cardiac Output Monitoring: Creation and Utilization of a Nurse-Driven Protocol2018Textehsl_ebp
63 Non-Pharmacologic Pain Interventions in the Neuro ICU2021Textehsl_gradnu
64 Objective Sedation Monitoring in an Adult Intensive Care Unit2021Textehsl_gradnu
65 Pain, Agitation and Delirium Management in an Adult Intensive Care Unit2015Textehsl_gradnu
66 Palliative Care Trigger Tool in the CVICU: A Needs Assessment2023Textehsl_gradnu
67 Palliative Care Trigger Tool in the CVICU: A Needs Assessment2023Textehsl_gradnu
68 Post-ICU PTSD Risk Screening Tool2018Textehsl_gradnu
69 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in the ICU and Associated Factors: A Preliminary Checklist2013Textehsl_gradnu
70 Pre-Procedural Fasting Guideline for an Intensive Care Unit2017Textehsl_gradnu
71 Pre-Procedural Fasting Guideline for the Intensive Care Unit2017Textehsl_gradnu
72 Providing Comfort Care in the ICU Following Terminal Extubation: Creation and Utilization of an Interdisciplinary Taught Class for Newly Hired Critical Care Nurses2019Textehsl_ebp
73 Providing Rest Breaks for ICU Nurses2021Textehsl_gradnu
74 PTSD in Utah's Rural ICU Nurses: A Needs Assessment2018Textehsl_gradnu
75 PTSD in Utah's Rural ICU Nurses: A Needs Assessment2018Textehsl_gradnu
51 - 75 of 84