26 - 50 of 91
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26 G101 Evulsion1991Imageehsl_novel_wfh
27 Harm from harm: extending the construct of moral injury to interpersonal transgressions among emerging adults2015-05Textir_etd
28 Historical Treatment of Carotid Cavernous Fistula (.pdf)2016-02-28Textehsl_novel_nam
29 Human Astrocyte Matrisome Enhances Neural Network Formation for Use in Transplant Therapy in Cortical Vision Loss2024-03Textehsl_novel_nam
30 Image Guidance for Flexible Orbital Endoscopy2009-02-24Textehsl_novel_nam
31 The impact of trauma in family activity systems2012-08Textir_etd
32 Individual Accommodative Variability in Adolescents and Adults with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury as an Objective Index for Evaluating Sensory- Motor Function2024-03Textehsl_novel_nam
33 Inflammation from a Wooden Foreign Body (Kennerdell Case 49, PPT)Textehsl_novel_jsk
34 Inflammation from Orbital Wound (Kennerdell Case 54, PPT)Textehsl_novel_jsk
35 Introducing the Mobile Integrated Cognitive Kit (MICK) App for Rapid Visual Assessment in a Youth Ice Hockey League for Concussion2024-03Textehsl_novel_nam
36 Investigating the Pathogenesis of Spaceflight Associated Neuroocular Syndrome with Headmounted Visualization Engineering of Pupil Reactivity2023-03-14Textehsl_novel_nam
37 Isolated Neurogenic Blepharoptosis Secondary to Traumatic Eyelid Injury2002-02-11Textehsl_novel_nam
38 Lived narratives, everyday trauma, and the aftermath of the Bosnian war: human rights as living practice2016Textir_etd
39 Lost and Found: An Exploration of Recovery and Social Capital, Through Photovoice2018-10Text; Imagewc_ir
40 Maternal mortality in Utah.1998-02Textir_uspace
41 Medial Rectus Muscle Incarceration in Orbital Trapdoor Fractures, an Uncommon but Treatable Cause of Diplopia2003-02-11Textehsl_novel_nam
42 MICK (Mobile Integrated Cognitive Kit) App: Feasibility of an Accessible Tablet-Based Rapid Picture and Number Naming Task for Concussion Assessment in a Youth Hockey League2023-03-14Textehsl_novel_nam
43 Mitochondrial Triglyceride Dysregulation in Optic Nerves Following Indirect Traumatic Optic Neuropathy2023-03-14Textehsl_novel_nam
44 Mobile Integrated Cognitive Kit (MICK): Digitized Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN) for Concussion on the Sideline2022-02Textehsl_novel_nam
45 Neuro-Ophthalmic Imaging-CT Scan1999Imageehsl_novel_aao_nanos
46 Neuroimaging of structural pathology and connectomics in traumatic brain injury: toward personalized outcome prediction2012-01-01InteractiveResourceir_uspace
47 Neuropathies In Children Involving Vision Caused By A Fall From Height2015-02-24Textehsl_novel_nam
48 Neuropathies In Children Involving Vision Caused By A Fall From Height2015-02-22Textehsl_novel_nam
49 No Light Perception Following Uneventful Cataract Surgery2024-03Textehsl_novel_nam
50 Non-Tumorous Chiasmal Syndromes1976-02-06Textehsl_novel_nam
26 - 50 of 91