151 - 175 of 347
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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
151 Fuller, Arwen A.The efficacy of a high versus a low dose of exercise to reduce body weight and improve body composition in overweight womenBody weight, Energy balance, Exercise, Exercise Dose, Metabolic rate, Weightloss; Womens studies; Kinesiology2012-12dissertation
152 Kekejian, Carla RitaEfficacy of duolingo® as a language-learning tool for Spanish-English dual-language learners: a preliminary study2019thesis
153 Biesinger, SharaEfficacy of ProvexCV to reduce hypertension in individuals with metabolic syndromeHypertension; Metabolic syndrome; ProvexCV; Supplementation; Nutrition; Pharmacy sciences2011-12thesis
154 Reineck, Jessica F.Electromyography (EMG) analysis of core bracing mechanism after verbal cueing during a bodyweight squat2019thesis
155 Michaels, Christopher GeorgeElectromyography (EMG) muscle activity during a select pelvic repositioning technique2019thesis
156 Bastar, JeffreyElectrophysiological studies of acquired epilepsy after perinatal hypoxia-ischemiaEpilepsy; Hypoxia-Ischemia; Perinatal; Neurosciences2016dissertation
157 Friske, Dana WeyburnEmergency preparedness in the PAC-12 conferenceMedicine; Higher education2018thesis
158 Altschuler, BenjaminEmotional responses to identity affirming touristic vignettes in middle-class Chinese and American individualsAsian Studies; Cultural Resources Management; Ethnic studies; Recreation2010dissertation
159 Hunt, Mercedes M.Employees' perceptions of sustainability programs: a multiple U.S. convention center case studyManagement; Sustainability2017dissertation
160 Briggs, Robert AllanEnhanced rehabilitation targeting strength and movement pattern symmetry following hip fracturePhysical therapy; Aging; Health sciences2015-12dissertation
161 Wright, Charisse E.Epidemiology of voice and swallowing disorders in Rheumatoid ArthritisAutoimmune; Epidemiology; Rheumatoid arthritis; Swallowing; Voice; Speech therapy; Epidemiology; Immunology2014-08thesis
162 Pierce, JenniferEpidemiology of voice and swallowing disorders in Sjogren's SyndromeSpeech therapy2014-12thesis
163 Wilkins, Diana GaudinEstablishing a model for the study of growth hormone abuse in two populations of well-conditioned male athetes1991dissertation
164 Nalder, BreanneEstimating energy availability and examining its association with bone mineral density in male cyclistsbone health; cycling; endurance sports; energy availability; Nutrition; Kinesiology2012-12thesis
165 Black, Rebecca EschlerEvaluation of 3-bout exercise laboratory protocol in development of psychophysiological markers of training stress indicative of overreachingCycling; Endurance Athletes; Fatigue; Overreaching; Overtraining; Behavioral psychology; Kinesiology; Physiology2015-08thesis
166 Smith, Nathan ThomasEvaluation of a health promotion and policy intervention to improve the health of the porter population of Mount Kenya National ParkClimbing; Health; Mountaineering; Mount Kenya; Outdoor; Porters; Public health; Health education2014-05dissertation
167 Abbott, Sydney RoseEvaluation of diet quality in children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome using the Healthy Eating Index-2010Genetics; Nutrition2015-08thesis
168 Dwenger, Kaitlyn MarieEvaluation of the contribution of sensory tricks to changes in symptomatology in individuals with laryngeal dystonia in comparison to individuals with essential vocal tremor2022thesis
169 Gerrard, OliviaExamining body dissatisfaction in College men through the exploration of appearance anxiety and internalization of the mesomorphic ideal2018thesis
170 Baker, Kensey HollisExamining the relationship between time, smartphone use, and place attachment in backcountry settings: an investigation on the pacific crest trail2019thesis
171 Howard, Bryanna JeanneExamining yaw plane head kinematics during activities of daily living and agility tasks2020thesis
172 Wehmanen, Kyle WilliamExercise intervention to improve glucose toleranceCLIX-IR; diabetes; exercise training; HbA1c; insulin resistance; single-leg cycling; Kinesiology; Physiology2014thesis
173 Connors, Brian PatrickExploring a new paradigm in outpatient musculoskeletal rehabilitation: chronic disease prevention and facilitating patient self-management2018dissertation
174 Kimber, KamilleExploring risk factors associated with spasmodic dysphonia: an epidemiological approachLaryngeal dystonia; Voice disorders2009-06-20thesis
175 Smullin, Joshua RussellExploring the acquisition, use, and perceived effectiveness of selected psychological techniquesMotivation (Psychology);Goal (Psychology); Learning, Psychology of; Sports2009-05thesis
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