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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Xiao, YeAn evaluation of mitochondrial DNA resequencing array mitochip version 2.0 in comparison with sanger sequencingBiological sciences; health and environmental sciences; MitoChip v2.0; mitochondria; mitochondrial disorders; Rrsequencing array2012-08thesis
2 Wisidagama, Dona RoonalikaAn investigation of the evolutionary conserved mitochondrial protein functions and their physiological impact on drosophila physiologyCancer; metabolism; mitochondria; pyruvate carrier; stem cells2019dissertation
3 Tackney, Justin C.Arctic prehistory through ancient DNAancient DNA; beringia; mitochondria; native Americans; next-generation sequencing; population genetics2016dissertation
4 Rawson, Randi L.Axon degeneration in C. elegansBiological sciences; axon degeneration; engulfment; mitochondria; neurodegeneration; RIC-72014-08dissertation
5 Wang, TaoBiosensors for environmental monitoring via bioinhibitionAnalytical chemistry; biosensor; inhibition; laccase; mitochondria2017dissertation
6 Park, SongyoungThe integrated function of cardiac, skeletal, and vascular smooth muscle: limitations to oxygen transport and utilization in healthy aging and diseaseaging; endothelium; heart failure; mitochondria; oxidative stress; skeletal muscle feed artery2015-08dissertation
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