Title | Date | Type |
1 |
 | 1953 Monticello Elementary School 1st grade valss with Carolina Dalton, teacher on the bottom left Laverta Jensen | 1953 | Image |
2 |
 | Carolina, Georgia, and Ginger Dalton on a horse with Yancy, Val, and Gina standing in front | 1951 | Image |
3 |
 | Charlie Tracy, Kelly Tracy, Melvin Tracy, Lucy Tracy, Chesley Tracy, Ginger Tracy, and Guy Tracy | 2001 | Image |
4 |
 | Edith Dalton Richmond | 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959 | Image |
5 |
 | Emma Johnson and Max Dalton as babies | 1921 | Image |
6 |
 | George Max Dalton | 1952 | Image |
7 |
 | George Max Dalton | 1940 | Image |
8 |
 | George Max Dalton and Nell Wight Dalton | 1962 | Image |
9 |
 | George Max Dalton at family ranch | 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959 | Image |
10 |
 | Georgia Nell Dalton Rasmussen, Virginia Marie Dalton Tracy (Ginger), Carolina Dalton Forrest, Yancy Lee Dalton, Max Dalton, Nell Wight Dalton, William Monty Dalton | 1970-07 | Image |
11 |
 | Ginger Dalton Tracy as a baby | 1949 | Image |
12 |
 | James Burrit White Army photograph | 1943 | Image |
13 |
 | Jason Lee Wight, Mary Jane Witt Wight, Ira Clinton wight, and Letha May Wight | | Image; Text |
14 |
 | Lora May Wight, Wilma Eulla Wight, William (Bill) Wight | 1919 | Image |
15 |
 | Lydia Johnson Dalton and George William Dalton | 1915 | Image |
16 |
 | Lydia Johnson Dalton and her mother, Emma Jane Karchner Johnson | 1960; 1961; 1962; 1963; 1964 | Image |
17 |
 | Max Dalton, Nell Dalton, and Lydia Johnson Dalton | 1948-03; 1948-04; 1948-05 | Image |
18 |
 | Monticello Elementary School 6th grade class of 1959 | 1959 | Image; Text |
19 |
 | Nell Marie Dalton, Lydia Johnson Dalton, Yancy Lee Dalton, Ginger Dalton, Val, Bonnie | 1949 | Image |
20 |
 | William Edison Wight and Bessie Beatrice Lawyer Wight | 1972-06 | Image |
21 |
 | Yancy Lee Dalton | 1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1954; 1956; 1957; 1958; 1959 | Image |
22 |
 | Yancy Lee Dalton | 1946 | Image |
23 |
 | Yancy Lee Dalton, Georgia Nell Rasmussen, Ginger Tracy, Carolina Forest, William Dalton, Nell Wight Dalton, Max Dalton | 1989-05 | Image |