1 - 25 of 282
Number of results to display per page
1 167. (N-M.2). Sheep Dip, Ganado, Arizona 19091909Image/StillImageuaida_main
2 171. (N-M.4). Sheep and goats, Navajo Reservation, Arizona. 19091909Image/StillImageuaida_main
3 174. Sheep, Ganado, Arizona, Schwemberger, photoImage/StillImageuaida_main
4 177. Sheep at Water Hole, Burro Spgs. Arizona. M.R.Campbell, photo. U.S.G.S.Image/StillImageuaida_main
5 178. Sheep dip, Navajo reservation Arizona. Schwemberger, photoImage/StillImageuaida_main
6 180.Sheep, Little Colorado River, Arizona. Stephen Janus, photoImage/StillImageuaida_main
7 181. Sheep and goats, near Tuba, Arizona Stephen Janus, photoImage/StillImageuaida_main
8 186. (G-119). Navajo corral. Red Lake (Tuba), Arizona 19091909Image/StillImageuaida_main
9 2004.24.113961933Imagedha_hpsp
10 2005.; 1932; 1933Imagedha_hpsp
11 971-21-10/100162.1.6751930Imagedha_hpsp
12 990-7-10/100115.1.1031931; 1932; 1933Imagedha_hpsp
13 998-21-10/100186.1.36.601928Imagedha_hpsp
14 Aagard, Welby; Ercanback -Shot 11952-01-22Image/StillImagedha_sltnc
15 Aagard, Welby; Ercanback -Shot 21952-01-22Image/StillImagedha_sltnc
16 Alhandra Sheep Shearing PlantImageucl_tp
17 Beckwith family [10]Imagedc_bpc
18 Big Cottonwood Canyon p.151880; 1881; 1882; 1883; 1884; 1885; 1886; 1887; 1888; 1889; 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; 1900Image/StillImagedha_cp
19 Bill Olsen with Ram1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940Image/StillImagedha_rkc
20 Bill Olsen with Ram1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935; 1936; 1937; 1938; 1939; 1940Image/StillImagedha_rkc
21 Billy and Danny Cook With Sheep1970; 1971Image/StillImageucl_rhc
22 Bonanza Sheep Shearing Plant1913Image/StillImageucl_rhc
23 Boone MacKnight Sheep Herd1944Image/StillImageucl_rhc
24 Buck Sheep at Livestock Show1975; 1976; 1977; 1978; 1979; 1980Image/StillImageucl_vep
25 Cabin and Sheep HerdImageucl_tp
1 - 25 of 282