526 - 550 of 2,223
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526 The Costs of Containment (PowerPoint)Jeffrey Gelfand; Charles Thirkill; John Keltner; Ari GreenA 68-year old male with 1-1/2 year history of painless blurred vision OU. Previous history significant for subacute paraparesis from spinal meningitis (subsequently resolved), ischemic optic neuropathy with residual central loss of vision OS. Remote history of a 78 pack-year of smoking.
527 Ischemic Optic Neuritis (PowerPoint)Marc Dinkin; Jacqueline WinterkornA 68-year old female with a 5-hour painless loss of vision OS followed by unremitting loss of vision 9 days after initial episode. Previous history significant for hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
528 How Many Surgeons and Pathologists Does It Take to Diagnose an Orbital Neoplasm? (PowerPoint)Allison N. McCoy; Prem S. Subramanian; Neil R. Miller; Hangxiu Xu; Franz M. CruzA 13-year old male with a 2-year history of recurrent subconjunctival hemorrhage, pain, and swelling OD. Previous history significant for ADHD.
529 CSEye (PowerPoint)Lindsey DeLott; Wayne Cornblath; Victor Elner; Jonathan TrobeA 56-year old male with a 3-week history of episodic transient monocular loss of vision OD, increasing cough, headache and low grade fever. Previous history significant for adult-onset asthma and atrial fibrillation.
530 Meningioma Or Masquerader? (PowerPoint)Kaushal Kulkarni; Sander Dubovy; Linda Sternau; Byron LamA 39-year old female with a 1-year history of progressive blurred vision in the temporal aspect OD. Previous history significant for hypertension (controlled) and mother Dx diabetes.
531 A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (PowerPoint)Heather E. Moss; Tibor Valyi-Nagy; J. Lee VillanoA 23-year old male with transient visual obscurations and subsequent bilateral peripheral loss of vision.
532 Occam's Razor Revisited (PowerPoint)Jonathan Trobe; Sandra Camego-Piragua; Stephen Gebarski; Stephen SullivanA 64-year old male with headache, Loss of vision OS followed by sudden temporal field loss OD and episodic epistaxis. Previous history significant for atrial fibrillation.
533 ‘Tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer... Or to Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles and by Opposing End Them? (Hamlet act 3, scene 1) (Presentation Video)Heather Moss; Goo Lee; C. Michael Weldon-Linne41-year old female with a shadow over the left eye.
534 When Life Gives You Lymphocytes, Make Limeade (Presentation Video)Melissa Ko; Monika Kolloori; Barbara Henriquez; Robert Hutchison; Luis MejicoA 62-year old female; hypercholesterolemia.
535 What's In a Name? (Presentation Video)Nicholas Volpe; Allan Wulc; Jodi Sasson; Myron Yanoff76-year old male; five year history of muscle pain and arthralgia; four year history of PMR symptoms; gastrointestinal illness.
536 Tics and Fleas (Presentation Video)Nancy Newman; Valerie Biousse; Daniel BratA 61-year old female with tic douloureux and diplopia. Previous history significant for squamous cell skin cancer below right eye, surgically resected. Dx atypical trigeminal neuralgia after neurological consult following administration of local anesthetic for basal cell carcinoma resection.
537 Combing the Globe for TerrorismNorah Sydney Lincoff; Lucia L. Balos, Charles J. ChungAn 83-year old male with painful loss of vision OS. Previous history significant for hypertension, atrial fibrillation, type II diabetes, squamous cell carcinoma of the face and prostate cancer.
538 Combing the Globe for Terrorism (Presentation Video)Norah Sydney Lincoff; Lucia L. Balos, Charles J. ChungAn 83-year old male; hypertension; atrial fibrillation; type II diabetes mellitus; squamous cell carcinoma of the face; prostate cancer (treated).
539 Poor Visual Recovery Following Treatment of Panuveitis in a 62 Year-old Man with Biopsy-proven Sarcoidosis (Presentation Video)Jeffrey Gelfand; Jacque Duncan; Ari GreenA 62-year old male with blurred vision OS, progressive gait instability, episodic falling and confusion. Previous history significant for LP that revealed meningitis and lung and hilar lymph node biopsies that demonstrated sarcoidosis.
540 Bad Eyes, Bad Walking and Bad JudgementClare Fraser; Edward Pringle; Matthew Evans; Elizabeth Graham; Miles Stanford; Philip Luthert; Graham Holder; Gordon PlantA 20-year old male with deteriorating vision OS and a 13-year history of combined variable immunodeficiency. Previous history significant for atypical mycobacterium.
541 Bad Eyes, Bad Walking and Bad Judgement (Presentation Video)Clare Fraser; Edward Pringle; Matthew Evans; Elizabeth Graham; Miles Stanford; Philip Luthert; Graham Holder; Gordon PlantA 20-year old male with deteriorating vision OS and a 13-year history of combined variable immunodeficiency. Previous history significant for atypical mycobacterium.
542 A Case of Net Visual Loss and GainThomas Slamovits; Jerome Posner; Diane Reidy; Charles Thirkill; John KeltnerA 68-year old female with a sudden loss of vision OU. Previous history significant for anemia, presumed by patient to account for her presenting symptoms.
543 Non-Functional Sinus DiseaseJulie Shelton; Judith Warner; Brian Hall; Holly Zhou; Kathleen Digre; Richard BoyerA 6-year old female with a 1-week history of worsening vision OU > OD and a 2-month history of worsening headaches.
544 Non-Functional Sinus Disease (Presentation Video)Julie Shelton; Judith Warner; Brian Hall; Holly Zhou; Kathleen Digre; Richard BoyerA 6-year old female with a 1-week history of worsening vision OU > OD and a 2-month history of worsening headaches.
545 Trouble Reading (Presentation Video)Rebecca Stacy; Simmons LessellA 60-year old female with a 4-week history of progressive difficulty reading and word comprehension. Previous history significant for a 20-year history of recurrent granulomatous iritis in OU and chronic variable immune deficiency (CVID), diagnosed 23 years previous with associated hepatitis and der...
546 A Bright Spot Causing Darkness (Presentation Video)Thomas HwangA 20-year old male with a 2-week history of headache and blurred vision.
547 A Case of Recurrent Encephalopathy, Seizures, and RetinopathyRyan Walsh; Michael Stewart; Paul BrazisA 45-year old male with right hemisphere encephalitis and a Dx of macular degeneration at age 43. Previous history significant for a learning disability and a complex partial seizure disorder diagnosed 20 years earlier subsequently managed with an anti-epileptic.
548 What's In a Name?Nicholas Volpe; Allan Wulc; Jodi Sasson; Myron Yanoff76-year old male; five year history of muscle pain and arthralgia; four year history of PMR symptoms; gastrointestinal illness.
549 Not a Benign TumorHong Jiang; Linda Sternau; Norman Schartz; Byron Lam; Lawrence M. WongA 43-year old female with blurred vision OU. Previous history signicant for a 10-year history of recurrent colon cancer Tx antineoplastic agents, pituitary mass, hypopituitarism and diabetes insipidus.
550 ‘Tis Nobler in the Mind to Suffer... Or to Take Arms Against a Sea of Troubles and by Opposing End Them? (Hamlet act 3, scene 1)Heather Moss; Goo Lee; C. Michael Weldon-LinneA 41-year old female with a shadow over the left eye.
526 - 550 of 2,223