126 - 150 of 148
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
126 Bronze seal matrix (right) and wax impression (left)13th Century CE
127 Creation of Light and Darkness / Creation of the Firmament11th - 12th Century CE
128 Creation of the Plants and Trees / Creation of the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars11th - 12th Century CE
129 Creation of the Birds and Fish11th - 12th Century CE
130 Creation of the Animals11th - 12th Century CE
131 Creation of Eve / Temptation and Fall11th - 12th Century CE
132 Expulsion from Paradise / Labors of Adam and Eve11th - 12th Century CE
133 Sacrifice of Cain and Abel11th - 12th Century CE
134 God commands Noah to build the Ark / Construction of the Ark11th - 12th Century CE
135 God closes the door of the Ark / The Dove returns to the Ark11th - 12th Century CE
136 The Dove returns to the Ark (detail)11th - 12th Century CE
137 Noah leaves the Ark / Sacrifice of Noah11th - 12th Century CE
138 God's Covenant with Noah and his Descendents / Noah making Wine11th - 12th Century CE
139 Drunkenness of Noah / Construction of the Tower of Babel11th - 12th Century CE
140 God appearing to Abraham / Pharaoh gives Sarah back to Abraham11th - 12th Century CE
141 Sacrifice of Isaac / God blesses Abraham11th - 12th Century CE
142 Abraham in front of an Altar11th - 12th Century CE
143 God blessing a Patriarch / A Young, Bearded Man and a Veiled Woman11th - 12th Century CE
144 Jacob's Dream / Moses and the Burning Bush11th - 12th Century CE
145 Miracle of the Rod / Miracle of the Leprous Hand11th - 12th Century CE
146 Moses receiving the Law on Mount Sinai11th - 12th Century CE
147 Visitation / Magi before Herrod11th - 12th Century CE
148 Apparition to the Disciples / Pentecost11th - 12th Century CE
126 - 150 of 148