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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Morris, William JamesAn examination of pulverized coal combustion aerosols in air and in retrofit oxy-fired combustion environmentsAerosol; Ash chemistry; carbon capture; coal; oxy-combustion; soot2011-12dissertation
2 Wang, YuemingAsh aerosol and ash deposit formation during high temperature oxy-combustion of various solid fuelsAerosol; ash deposition; biomass; coal; oxy-combustion2019dissertation
3 Young, Joseph SwylerInvestigation of wintertime cold-air pools and aerosol layers in the Salt Lake Valley using a lidar ceilometerAerosol; Boundary layer; Ceilometer; Cold-air pool; Lidar; PM102013-12thesis
4 Tietze, KyleSpace based evaluation of the aerosol indirect effect in the ArcticAerosol; Artic; Space-based; Atmospheric aerosols2011-05thesis
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