1 - 25 of 39
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1 Allegory of the Departure of Dom Pedro II for Europe after the Declaration of the RepublicImage
2 Amazonian Indians Adoring the Sun GodImage
3 BandeiranteImage
4 BandeiranteImage
5 Brazilian LandscapeImage
6 Carioca Square in 1816Image
7 Church of Glória, Rio de JaneiroImage
8 Entrance to Rio de Janeiro's BayImage
9 Entry of the Barra de Rio de Janeiro Seen From Santa Teresa, Rua AprazivelImage
10 Escaping SlavesImage
11 Forest Reduced to CoalImage
12 Guanabara Bay, Seen from Cobras IslandImage
13 Habitation des Apiácas Sur l'Arinos (Apiácas Dwelling on the Arinos River)Image
14 Hanging the LaundryImage
15 Indian Shooting a Jaguar with ArrowsImage
16 Inhabitant of Minas Crossing a RiverImage
17 King João VI and Queen Carlota Joaquina on Quinta da Boa VistaImage
18 Landing of Doña Leopoldina, First Empress of Brazil (study)Image
19 Maritime View of Rio de JaneiroImage
20 Nossa Senhora da Glória do OuteiroImage
21 Panorama of Belém after the RainImage
22 Portrait of King Dom João VIImage
23 Portrait of the Conductor Henrique Alves de MosquitaImage
24 Portrait of the Intrepid Mariner Simão, Coalman of the Steamship PernambucanaImage
25 Portrait of the painter Jean Baptiste DebretImage
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