126 - 150 of 1,134
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TitleCreatorCreation Date
126 Megaron House, reconstruction drawing from aerial perspective4th Century BCE
127 Agora, Painted Stoa (Stoa Poikile), perspective reconstructionca. 475 - 450 BCE
128 Diver's Tomb, proposed reconstruction of tomb in situca. 480 BCE
129 Acropolis, Propylaea, view from the eastMnesiklesca. 437 - 432 BCE
130 Acropolis, Propylaea, reconstruction section drawing on central axis looking northMnesikles437 - 432 BCE
131 Acropolis, Propylaea, reconstruction drawing of old façadeMnesiklesca. 480 BCE
132 Acropolis, Propylaea ground planMnesikles437 - 432 BCE
133 Palace Complex (Knossos), detail of Campstool frescoca. 1500 BCE
134 Palace Complex (Knossos), ground planca. 1600 - 1400 BCE
135 Stonehenge, aerial view of the siteca. 2750 - 1500 BCE
136 Ur Fortified Town, Nannar/Sin Zigguratca. 2100 - 2050 BCE
137 White Temple, ground planca. 3500 - 3000 BCE
138 Fortified Town (Çatal Hüyük), reconstruction drawing from aerial perspectiveca. 6500 - 5500 BCE
139 Persepolis Palace Complex, northern staircase and the royal audience hall (apadana), from the terrace stairwayca. 500 BCE
140 Persepolis Palace Complex, eastern staircase of the royal audience hall (apadana)ca. 518 - 460 BCE
141 Palace Complex (Knossos), Queen's Megaronca. 1600 - 1400 BCE
142 Palace Complex (Knossos), Throne Roomca. 1600 - 1400 BCE
143 Citadel and Palace (Mycenae, Greece), reconstruction of megaronca. 1200 BCE
144 Caracalla Baths (Thermae Antoninianae), ground plan of the central section212 - 216 CE
145 Trajan Market, view of the hemicycle from the level of the forumca. 100 - 112 CE
146 Trajan Market, drawing of aerial view of siteca. 100 - 112 CE
147 Hadrian Villa, site plan with an enlarged view of the Piazza d'Oro124 CE
148 Portunus Temple, ground planlate 2nd Century BCE
149 Aqueduct (Pont du Gard), general viewlate 1st Century BCE
150 Sibyl Temple, ground planearly 1st Century BCE
126 - 150 of 1,134