1 - 25 of 39
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Dioskorides Herbal: Dioscurides writes in codex; painter copies plant held by personification of thoughtca. 512 CE
2 Dioskorides Herbal: Violetca. 512 CE
3 TriceratopsCharles Knight1901 CE
4 TitanotheriumCharles Knight
5 Moose Group from Baltic ExpositionAlbert Larsson1924 CE
6 Northern European Forest GroupAnonymous1924 CE
7 American Bison GroupWilliam Hornaday; C.B. Hudson1888 CE
8 Wild Turkey GroupBruce Horsfall1907 CE
9 Alaskan Brown Bear GroupBelmore Browne1941 CE
10 Mountain Lion GroupCharles Chapman1942 CE
11 Barn OwlsJohn James Audubon1833 CE
12 Hare and Leg of LambJean Baptiste Oudry1742 CE
13 Louisiana HeronJohn James Audubon; George Lehman1832 CE
14 Arctic HareJohn James Audubonca. 1841 CE
15 Mourning DoveJohn James Audubonca. 1825 CE
16 GyrfalconJohn James Audubon1827 - 38 CE
17 Dioskorides Herbal: Lesser Burdock and Wild Vine or Wild Grapeend of the 6th or beginning of the 7th Century CE
18 Dioskorides Herbal: Index of Plantsend of the 6th or beginning of the 7th Century CE
19 Dioskorides Herbal, folios 41v-42rend of the 6th or beginning of the 7th Century CE
20 Dioskorides Herbal: folio 50rend of the 6th or beginning of the 7th Century CE
21 Dioskorides Herbal: Lady's Bedstraw, Cranesbill, Geranium Molleend of the 6th or beginning of the 7th Century CE
22 Dioskorides Herbal: Winter Cherry, Mulleinsend of the 6th or beginning of the 7th Century CE
23 Dioskorides Herbal: Princess Anicia Juliana between Personifications of Magnanimity and Prudence (Donor Dedication Portrait)ca. 512 CE
24 Composition of Flowers and InsectsJan van Kessel the Eldermid 17th Century CE
25 Pseudo-Apuleius Herbarium (Herbal)1080 - 1090s CE
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