1 - 25 of 88
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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Temple to Aphrodite Euploia (Aphrodite of the Fair Voyage), general view of Hadrianic reconstruction at Tivoli (view 2)2nd Century CE
2 Grotto of Tiberius, ground plan14 - 37 CE
3 El Jem (Djem)238 CE
4 El Jem (Djem)238 CE
5 Trajan Market, cut-away drawing to show ground plan and interior spaceca. 100 - 112 CE
6 Celsus Library, drawing of a restored view of the central hallca. 117 - 120 CE
7 Celsus Library, ground planca. 117 - 120 CE
8 Hadrian Villa, site plan124 CE
9 Horrea Epagathiana, warehouse ground planc. 145 - 150 CE
10 Temple of Venus and Roma, ground plan135 CE
11 Grotto of Tiberius14 - 37 CE
12 Capitoline Temple, ground plandedicated 509 BCE
13 Tomb of the Volumnii, ground plan2nd Century BCE
14 Porticus Aemilia, axonometric plan193 BCE, restored in 174 BCE
15 Augustan Arch27 BCE (19th Century photograph)
16 The five orders of architecture: Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and CompositeClaude Perrault1683 CE
17 Arch, Groin Vault, and Barrel Vault
18 Bridge at Narni, reconstruction drawing27 BCE
19 Bridge at Narni27 BCE
20 Proserpina Reservoir1st or 2nd Century CE
21 Underground Basilica, interior viewmid 1st Century CE
22 Aqueduct of Segoviaearly 1st or early 2nd Century CE
23 Stadium of Domitian, ground plan86 CE
24 Golden House (Rome), fresco, architectural motifs and mythical figures64 - 68 CE
25 Golden House (Rome), octagonal room64 - 68 CE
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