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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Persepolis Palace Complex, northern staircase and the royal audience hall (apadana), from the terrace stairwayca. 500 BCE
2 Persepolis Palace Complex, eastern staircase of the royal audience hall (apadana)ca. 518 - 460 BCE
3 Persepolis Palace Complex, view of the royal audience hall (apadana), from the eastca. 518 - 460 BCE
4 Persepolis Palace Complex, eastern staircase and the royal audience hall (apadana)ca. 518 - 460 BCE
5 Persepolis Palace Complex, main staircase of the terraceca. 518 - 460 BCE
6 Persepolis Palace Complex, staircase leading to the tripylon491 - 486 BCE
7 Persepolis Palace Complex, tripylon, column with human-headed bull capitalca. 518 - 460 BCE
8 Persepolis Palace Complex, relief: Procession of Medes and Persiansca. 518 - 460 BCE
9 Persepolis Palace Complex, capital with two reclining bullsca. 500 BCE
10 Persepolis Palace Complex, hall of the hundred columns, detail of shaft and capitalca. 518 - 460 BCE
11 Persepolis Palace Complex, hall of the hundred columns, southern doorwayca. 500 BCE
12 Persepolis Palace Complex, treasury relief: Darius and Xerxes hold an Audienceca. 490 BCE
13 Persepolis Palace Complex, small palace central room, false window between two doorsca. 518 - 460 BCE
14 Persepolis Palace Complex, the royal audience hall (apadana), from the eastca. 500 BCE
15 Persepolis Palace Complex, relief: Artaxerxes holds an audienceca. 464 - 424 BCE
16 Persepolis Palace Complex, Xerxes Portalca. 518 - 460 BCE
17 Persepolis Palace Complex, relief: Artaxerxes I Enthronedca. 464 - 424 BCE
18 Naksh-i-Rustam Tomb, view of the rock face wall of a tombca. 460 BCE
19 Persepolis Palace Complex, view of the ruins from the southeastca. 518 - 460 BCE
20 Persepolis Palace Complex, relief: Lion devours a Bullca. 518 - 460 BCE
21 Persepolis Palace Complex, reconstruction drawing of the hundred column hallca. 518 - 460 BCE
22 Persepolis, eastern staircase of the royal audience hall (apadana)ca. 518 - 460 BCE
23 Persepolis Palace Complex, relief: Procession of Tribute Bearersca. 518 - 460 BCE
24 Persepolis Palace Complex, site planca. 518 - 460 BCE
25 Persepolis Palace Complex, gatehouse entrance5th Century BCE
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