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TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, general view from the southca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
2 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, general view from the eastca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
3 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut site planca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
4 Temple of Ramsses II, great hall, colossal statues of Ramesses IIca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
5 Temple of Ramsses II, great hall, colossal statues of Ramesses IIca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
6 Temple of Ramsses II, Great Hall, seated figures of Ramesses II and Re-Horakhtyca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
7 Temple of Ramsses II, Great Hall, figures of Ptah, Amun, Ramesses II and Re-Horakhtyca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
8 Tutankhamun Tomb, north wall of the burial chamberca. 1336/5 - 1327 BCE (Dynasty 18)
9 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, Ramesses II Forecourt and Pylon, including Tuthmosis III Shrineca. 1400 - 1212 BCE (Dynasties 18-19)
10 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, processional colonnade between the two forecourts of Amenhotep III and Ramesses IIca. 1400 - 1212 BCE (Dynasties 18-19)
11 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, Pylon Gate of Ramesses IIca. 1400 - 1212 BCE (Dynasties 18-19)
12 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, Forecourt of Amenhotep IIIca. 1400 - 1212 BCE (Dynasties 18-19)
13 Amun Temple, general view from the southeast across the sacred lakeca. 1500 - 330 BCE (Dynasties 18-31)
14 Amun Temple, Hypostyle Hall, upper levelca. 1294 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
15 Amun Temple, Avenue of Ram-Headed Sphinxes preceding Pylon Gateca. 1280 BCE (Dynasty 19)
16 Amun Temple, Hypostyle Hall, upper levelca. 1280 BCE (Dynasty 19)
17 Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple, middle colonnadeSenmut (Senenmut)ca. 1478 - 1458 BCE (Dynasty 18)
18 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, reconstruction drawing of the siteca. 2009 - 1458 BCE (Dynasties 11-18)
19 Amun Temple, model of hypostyle hallca. 1294 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
20 Amun Funerary Precinct, ground plan
21 Amun Funerary Precinct, ground plan
22 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, view of forecourt of Ramesses IIca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
23 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, forecourt of Ramesses II, view from the northca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (dynasty 19)
24 Amun, Mut, and Khonsu Temple, Hypostyle Hall of Amenhotep III, view from the forecourt to the southca. 1390 BCE (Dynasty 18)
25 Hatshepsut Mortuary Temple, Ground Planca. 1480 BCE (Dynasty 18)
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