1 - 25 of 85
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 View of Paris from the TrocadéroBerthe Morisot1871 - 1872 CE
2 Villa at the SeasideBerthe Morisot1874 CE
3 On the TerraceBerthe Morisot1874 CE
4 Marine (Harbor at Lorient)Berthe Morisot1869 CE
5 Still Life with Apples and OrangesPaul Cézanne1895 - 1900 CE
6 At the RacesEdgar Degas1887 - 1890 CE
7 CradleBerthe Morisot1873 CE
8 Torso of a Woman in the SunPierre-Auguste Renoirca. 1875 - 1876 CE
9 Summer's DayBerthe Morisot1879 CE
10 In the Dining RoomBerthe Morisot1886 CE
11 Luncheon of the Boating Party (Luncheon at Bougival)Pierre-Auguste Renoir1881 CE, exhibited at the 1882 Seventh Independent Exhibition
12 Rue Montorgueil in Paris, Festival of June 30, 1878Claude Monet1878 CE
13 Impression, SunriseClaude Monet1872 CE
14 BathMary Cassattca. 1891 CE
15 RehearsalEdgar Degasca. 1873 - 1874 CE
16 Ballet Rehearsal (1874)Edgar Degasca. 1874 CE
17 Ballet Rehearsal (1876)Edgar Degas1876 CE
18 Dancing LessonEdgar Degas1883 - 1885 CE
19 Visit to a MuseumEdgar Degasca. 1885 CE
20 Gare St.-Lazare, ParisClaude Monet1877 CE
21 La GrenouillèrePierre-Auguste Renoir1869 CE
22 BathersPierre-Auguste Renoir1887 CE
23 Côte des Boeufs at the Hermitage, PontoiseCamille Pissarro1877 CE
24 Place du Théâtre FrançaisCamille Pissarro1898 CE
25 Place du Théâtre FrançaisCamille Pissarro1898 CE
1 - 25 of 85