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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Zhu, JunyiA density functional theory study of dual surfactant effect in enhancing P-type doping in III-V semiconductorsMaterials science2010dissertation
2 Yin, YinongAdvanced thermoelectric materials and spintronics for energy conservationFilms; Instrumentation; Oxides; Spintronics; Thermoelectrics2019dissertation
3 Chen, Yen-ChiCalcium phosphate nanoreactor sensorsBiosensing; Calcium phosphate; Intracellular pH; Liposome; Nanoreactor; Photodegradation resistance2011-12dissertation
4 Anderson, Kathy Perkins JenkinsCharacterizing organometallic-vapor-phase-epitaxy-grown indium gallium nitride islands on gallium nitride for light emitting diode applicationsInGaN; Island; LED; Quantum dots; Self assembly; Strain; Indium gallium nitride islands; Gallium nitride2011-08thesis
5 Wu, Chun-JenThe coating behavior and synthesis process of perfluorocarbon emulsionPerfluorocarbon emulsion; Biomedics2013-12dissertation
6 Gibbs, Alex HiltonCombinatorial investigation of the effects of sodium on cu2znsnse4 polycrystalline thin filmsCZTS; CZTSe; Photovoltaic; Solar; Thin Film2016thesis
7 Pruzan, Dennis SchmidtCompositional investigations of thin film photovoltaic materials2018dissertation
8 Su, NinghaiComputational study of edge stability and topological edge states of two-dimensional carbonic materialsCondensed matter physics; Materials science2014-08dissertation
9 Zhang, YuComputational study on semiconductor self-assembly and mechanics of nanomembraneNanomechanics; Nanostructures; Nanomembrane2011-08dissertation
10 Stoker, Jason LynnThe creation of all-oxide two-dimensional electron gases for next generation devicesKN/STO; LaAlO3/SrTiO3; Oxide 2DEG; Oxide 2DEG thermoelectrics; Quantum confinement; Switchable oxide 2DEGs2011-12thesis
11 Sprawls, Samuel CyrusDefect characterization of neutron and gamma irradiated gallium nitride with N-face, GA-Face, and M-Plane orientations2019thesis
12 Lin, GenyaoDevelopment of glucose and pH sensitive hydrogels for microfabricated biomedical sensor arraysColloids -- Development ; Colloids in medicine2010-05dissertation
13 Starovoytov, Oleg N.Development of quantum chemistry-based polarizable potential to describe intermolecular interactions of nonionic polymers with waterQuantum chemistry; Polarizable potential; Intermolecular interactions; Nonionic polymers; Aqueous solutions; Molecular dynamic simulations; Poly (ethylene oxide); PEO; Poly (propylene oxide); PPO; Drude polarizability; DME; DMP2011-05dissertation
14 Block, BenjaminDielectric breakdown of polycrystalline alumina: a weakest-link failure analysisAlumina; Dielectric; Extreme value; Laplace; Weakest-Link; Weibull; Materials science2013-08thesis
15 Cao, LiuleiThe effect of electrode surface topography on the structure and differential capacitance of the electric double layer capacitorCapacitor; Differential capacitance; Electric double layer; Surface topography; Physical chemistry; Energy; Materials science2011-08thesis
16 Wen, Tzu-chienEffect of grain size on optical transmittance of birefringent polycrystalline ceramicsBirefringent polycrystalline ceramics; Optical ceramics; Transparent Alumina; Transparent ceramics window2016dissertation
17 Hollenberg, Glenn WalterThe effect of oxygen partial pressure on the creep of polycrystalline alumina doped with transition metal impuritiesCreep; Creep theory1972-06dissertation
18 Merrell, Jason LawrenceEffects of antimony surfactanton indium gallium nitride grown by organometallic vapor phase epitaxyAntimony; Indium Gallium Nitride; Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy; Surfactant; Materials science2012-12thesis
19 Wright, JamesEquilibration and stability in porous and dense solid oxide fuel cell materials: samarium-doped ceria and strontium iron molybdenum oxideCeramics; Conductivity; Porosity; SDC SFMO; SOFC; Solid oxide fuel cells2013-12dissertation
20 Ding, HepengFirst-principles density functional theory study to aid understanding of the effects of doping-induced defects in materials used for solid oxide fuel cellsComputational; Defect; Density functional theory; First principles; Oxide; Solid oxide fuel cells2014-08dissertation
21 Zhang, YaqiongFunctionalized single-walled carbon nanotube chemiresistive sensors for vapor detection of explosives and drugsNanotechnology; Electrical engineering; Chemistry2017dissertation
22 Chern, Jehn-HuarFundamental investigation of high temperature operation of field effect transistor devicesContact thermal stability; Cu3Ge TiWN LT AlGaAs TmP; Field effect transistor device; GaN MODFET; High temperature operation; Ohmic Schottky contacts GaAs AlGaAs GaN2011-12dissertation
23 Zhang, LeiImproving solid oxide cell performance and durability by optimizing ionic and electronic transport in electrolyteElectrocatalyst; Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy; Embedded Probe; Fuel Cell; Permeation Cell; Space Charge2015dissertation
24 Stephanz, Megan E.Increasing the stability and efficiency of bio-solar cell electrodes using reactivbe oxygen species scavengers and redox polymer immobilizationEngineering; Materials science2017thesis
25 Zhang, YeInnovative approaches to improve bulk heterojuction organic photovoltaic device performanceBulk heterojunction; Organic; Photovoltaic; Radical; Solar cell; Spin 1/22010dissertation
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