1 - 25 of 219
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Portrait of Emperor Caracallaca. 211 - 217 CE
2 Column of Trajan, general view113 CE
3 Arch of Constantine, diagram of the reused pieces (spolia) installed on the four facescompleted 315 CE
4 Column of Trajan, detail of St. Peter113 CE
5 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aureliusc. 173 - 176 CE
6 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aureliusc. 173 - 176 CE
7 Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aureliusc. 173 - 176 CE
8 Villa of the Mysteries, room 5, northeast wall, Scenes of a Dionysiac Mystery Cultmid 1st Century CE
9 Villa Arianna, room 26 wall fragment: Primavera di Stabiae10 - 20 CE
10 Villa of Mysteries, room 5, fresco scenesmid 1st Century CE
11 Villa of Mysteries, room 5, fresco scenesmid 1st Century CE
12 Villa of Mysteries, room 5, fresco diagrammid 1st Century CE
13 Villa of Mysteries, room 5, fresco diagrammid 1st Century CE
14 Head of a Julio-Claudian prince (probably Gaius / Caligula)37 - 41 CE
15 House of the Golden Bracelet (Pompeii), room 32, left wall, fresco of a garden scene1st Century BCE - 1st Century CE
16 View of a Harbor Town1st Century CE
17 Pantheon, pavement of the rotunda and pronaosca. 117 - 128 CE
18 Pantheon, pavement of the rotunda (detail)ca. 117- 128 CE
19 Arch of Constantine, Primary Spandrels: Victory and Personification of Autumncompleted 315 CE
20 Arch of Constantine, Primary Spandrels: Victory and Personification of Wintercompleted 315 CE
21 Arch of Constantine: Pedestal 2completed 315 CE
22 Arch of Constantine: Pedestal 3completed 315 CE
23 Arch of Constantine: Pedestal 4completed 315 CE
24 Arch of Constantine: Pedestal 1completed 315 CE
25 Arch of Constantine, Primary Spandrels: Victory and Personification of Summercompleted 315 CE
1 - 25 of 219