201 - 225 of 1,264
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
201 UntitledLeopoldo Méndez1927 CE
202 El Fascismo I (Fascism I)Leopoldo Méndez1936 CE
203 Cover of 'Frente a Frente', January 1935Luis Arenal1935 CE
204 An Illegal Immigrant Hurries Back to Mexico After Being Spotted by a Border Patrol Vehicle, Desert of San Ysidro, CaliforniaSebastião Salgado1997 CE
205 Two Illegal Immigrants Handcuffed after being Arrested for Illegal Border Crossing, San Ysidro, CaliforniaSebastião Salgado1997 CE
206 Two Migrants in Tijuana Look into the United States through Cracks in the Steel Border FenceSebastião Salgado1997 CE
207 Political Meeting Organized by the P.K.K. in Atroosh Camp, Iraqi KurdistanSebastião Salgado1997 CE
208 Migrants Sleeping Near the Border Fence, Tijuana, MexicoSebastião Salgado1997 CE
209 Retrato de Cibeles Henestrosa (Portrait of Cibeles Henestrosa)María Izquierdo1943 CE
210 La Dolorosa (The Mournful One)María Izquierdo1943 CE
211 Alegoría del Trabajo (Allegory of Work)María Izquierdo1936 CE
212 Mis Sobrinas (My Nieces)María Izquierdo1940 CE
213 Naturaleza Viva (Living Nature)María Izquierdo1946 CE
214 Adán y Eva (Adam and Eve)María Izquierdo1945 CE
215 Self PortraitMaría Izquierdo1947 CE
216 María Izquierdo and Lola Álvarez Bravo (center) at the First Women's Exhibtion of Revolutionary Posters, Guadalajara, 19351935 CE
217 Invitation to a María Izquierdo Exhibition in New York, 19301930 CE
218 Invitation for the Exhibition of Atelier Abstração at Museu de Arte Moderna de São PauloNorberto Nicola1956 CE
219 Poster for the International Festival of Brazilian CinemaAlexandre Wollner; Geraldo de Barros1954 CE
220 Poster for the First São Paulo BiennialAntônio Maluf1951 CE
221 Maps and Landscapes (The Living Room)Carlos Capelán1996 CE
222 UntitledGuillermo Kuitca1995 CE
223 UntitledGuillermo Kuitca1997 CE
224 Years of FearRoberto Matta1941 - 1942 CE
225 Detroit IndustryDiego Rivera1932 - 1933 CE
201 - 225 of 1,264