1276 - 1300 of 3,256
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TitleDescriptionRelation Is Part OfDate
1276 MOLECULAR BIOLOGIST RECEIVES PRAHL AWARD AS OUTSTANDING PH.D. GRADUATE FROM U MEDICAL SCHOOLMargaret Lee Karow, Ph.D., a molecular biologist in the University of Utah School of Medicine Department of Cellular, Viral and Molecular Biology, has received the James W. Prahl Memorial Award as the outstanding graduating Ph.D. from the U medical school.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-06-29
1277 MARKEY TRUST AWARDS U BIOCHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT $2.5 MILLION TO ESTABLISH CENTER FOR PROTEIN BIOPHYSICSA new center for prot.ein biophysics will be established by the University of Utah Department of Biochemistry over the next five years with a $2.5 million grant from the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust. Martin C. Rechsteiner, Ph.D., professor and co-chair of the biochemistry department and profes...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-07-22
1278 U MEDICAL INFORMATICS CHAIR TO RECEIVE GOVERNOR'S MEDAL FOR SCIENCE TECHNOLOGYHomer R. Warner, M.D., Ph.D., professor and chair of the Department of Medical Informatics at the University of Utah School of Medicine, is a recipient of the 1992 Governor's Medal for Science Technology. The 1992 award winners will be honored at a July 28 luncheon at the Governor's mansion.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-07-22
1279 U FAMILY MEDICINE HEAD RECEIVES NATIONAL HEALTH CARE COUNCIL APPOINTMENTF. Marian Bishop, Ph.D., MSPH, professor and chair of the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been appointed to a three-year term on the National Advisory Council for Health Care Policy, Research and Evaluation of the Agency for Health Care ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-07-23
1280 U DENTAL, PHARMACEUTICS RESEARCHERS TO PARTICIPATE IN INTERNATIONAL MEET ON LASERS IN DENTISTRYDental researchers and practitioners from 28 countries will participate in the Third International Congress on Lasers in Dentistry Aug. 6-8, at the Salt Lake City Marriott.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-07-27
1281 U RESEARCH PHARMACOLOGIST BECOMES HEALTH PHYSICS SOCIETY FELLOWRay D. Lloyd, Ph.D., research professor of pharmacology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, was named a Fellow of the Health Physics Society recently during the group's 37th annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio. The field of health physics is concerned with protection of people and the environ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-07-27
1282 RESEARCHERS CONFIRM LINK BETWEEN UTAH THYROID DISORDERS, 1950s NUCLEAR TESTS IN NEVADAAn association between exposure to radioactive isotopes of iodine generated by above-ground testing of nuclear weapons at the Nevada Test Site some 40 years ago and thyroid neoplasms, or growths, has been confirmed by investigators in a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-sponsored study.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-08-04
1283 UTAH STUDY SHOWS INCREASED INCIDENCE OF HIP FRACTURES IN ELDERLY WHO DRINK FLUORIDATED WATERMen older than 65 years old who live in a community with fluoridated water had a 47 percent increase in the rate of hip fractures compared to individuals living in similar communities but without fluoride in the water, according to a University of Utah study to be published Wednesday in THE JOURNAL ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-08-10
1284 SALT LAKE MEDICAL SCHOOL'S APPEAL TO INTERMOUNTAIN RESIDENTS: CONSIDER BODY DONATION TO FURTHER EDUCATION AND RESEARCHMortui vivos docent-"the deceased teach the living"-is a Latin reminder of purpose found displayed in medical school anatomy laboratories worldwide.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-08-17
1285 PANIC DISORDERS AND SOCIAL PHOBIA SUFFERERS NEEDED FOR UNIVERSITY MOOD DISORDERS CLINIC STUDYPersons suffering from panic disorder and social phobia are being sought for treatment-oriented research at the Mood Disorders Clinic in the University of Utah medical school's Department of Psychiatry. The clinic was established nine years ago at the U of U School of Medicine to evaluate new medica...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-08-28
1286 U FAMILY MEDICINE HEAD TO HELP EVALUATE PROGRAM ON MEDICAL EDUCATIONF. Marian Bishop, Ph.D., MSPH, professor and chair of the Department of Family and Preventive Medicine at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been appointed to help evaluate a national program on physician preparedness for the future.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-08-28
1287 U HOSPITAL'S 'MAP' PROGRAM HELPS IMPROVE PATIENT CAREA University of Utah Hospital training program, the Multidisciplinary Apprentice Program (MAP) was highlighted in a recent issue of Hospitals, the national journal of the American Hospital Association, for its achievements in improving patient care.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-08-28
1288 U GENETICIST TO SERVE TERM ON NIH GRANT-REVIEW SECTIONJean-Marc Lalouel, M.D., D.Sci., professor of human genetics at the University of Utah School of Medicine and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) investigator, has been appointed to a four-year term on the Mammalian Genetics Study Section, Division of Research Grants for the National Institutes o...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-09-03
1289 U PHARMACEUTICS RESEARCH PROVIDES NOVEL METHOD TO ASSESS DRUG DELIVERY EFFECTIVENESS IN SKINScientists in the Department of Pharmaceutics at the University of Utah College of Pharmacy, a pioneer in the field of controlled drug delivery, have, for the first time, been able to measure the flux, or the rate of diffusion, of a drug through the skin, and relate it to its effectiveness in topica...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-09-11
1290 FREE PROSTATE CANCER SCREENING OFFERED BY UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTERA free prostate cancer screening clinic, including the prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test, for men 50 years old and older, will be held Thursday, October 1. and Friday. October 9. at University of Utah Medical Center.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-09-21
1291 U PATHOLOGIST RECEIVES AWARD FROM NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONK. Owen Ash, Ph.D., professor of pathology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, was one of eight scientists honored for contributions to their field by the American Association for Clinical Chemistry, Inc. (AACC) at the group's recent national meeting in Chicago.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-09-24
1292 U OF U, NATIONAL KIDNEY FOUNDATION COOPERATE ON NEW PROGRAM TO COMBAT KIDNEY FAILURE CAUSED BY HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE'In response to the growing number of individuals who develop chronic kidney failure caused by undetected or uncontrolled high blood pressure, the University of Utah, in association with the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) of Utah, is sponsoring a seminar on "The Kidney and Hypertension: Implicatio...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-09-25
1293 U OF U COLLEGE OF NURSING SCHEDULES OPEN HOUSE FOR CAREER OPPORTUNITIESOpportunities for careers in nursing will be the focus of the annual open house and career day sponsored by the University of Utah College of Nursing.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-01
1294 SCHIZOPHRENIA SEMINAR AT U MEDICAL CENTER TO HELP FAMILIES UNDERSTAND, COPEThe devastation of schizophrenia-a mental illness that affects one percent of the American population-leaves many families of patients in a quandry about how to cope.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-08
1295 U OPHTHALMOLOGY RESEARCHER WINS PRESTIGIOUS NATIONAL AWARDHelga E. Kolb, Ph.D., research professor of ophthalmology and physiology at the University of Utah School of Medicine, has been awarded one of her specialty's most prestigious honors. She has been named the 1993 recipient of the Proctor Medal, presented by the Association for Research in Vision and ...Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-15
1296 U IMMUN0L0GIST DAYNES NAMED TO ENDOWED CHAIRThe University of Utah announced today the appointment of Raymond A. Daynes, Ph.D., as first holder of the George J. Weber Presidential Endowed Chair in Immunology. The Weber Chair was made possible by a bequest from the late Edith P. Weber, widow of the Reverend Weber.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-16
1297 U COLLEGE OF HEALTH DIETITIAN WINS NATIONAL AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING RESEARCHConstance J. Geiger, Ph.D., assistant professor and director of the division of foods and nutrition at the University of Utah College of Health, has won the American Dietetic Association's (ADA) ninth annual Mary P. Huddleson Award for Outstanding Research.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-20
1298 U PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT COORDINATOR WINS NATIONAL RECOGNITIONRobert Lee Bunnell, clinical deployment coordinator for the Utah Physician Assistant Program (UPAP) at the University of Utah School of Medicine, received the Young Faculty Award recently at the annual convention of the Association of Physician Assistant Programs (APAP) in Nashville, Tennessee.Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-20
1300 U MEDICAL SCHOOL CHOSEN AS CENTER FOR MASSIVE CANCER SCREENING RESEARCHThe University of Utah School of Medicine is one of 12 institutions nationwide selected by the National Cancer Institute to conduct clinical research for the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Trial (PLCO).Press Releases; University of Utah Health Sciences Center News1992-10-30
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