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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Kilada, Eliyah Wadie RagiArea, power and performance optimization algorithms for elastic circuit control networksControl network optimization; elastic circuits; hybrid self implementation; latency-insensitive design; lazy self implementation; verification2012-05dissertation
2 Fisher, Andrew N.Efficient, sound formal verification for analog/mixed-signal circuitsAnalog/Mixed Signal; Octagons; Reachability Analysis; verification; Zones2015-08dissertation
3 Lewis, Wyndam RobertGlobal ensemble forecast system precipitation forecasts and the implications of statistical downscaling over the western united statesdownscaling; GEFS; model; SNOTEL; validation; verification2016thesis
4 Austin, David MarkVerification and validation of a geomodel aimed at simulating wellbore completion via shaped-charge jet perforation of metal and penetration into sandstoneGeomechanics; hypervelocity; perforation; shaped-charge; solid mechanics; verification2013thesis
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