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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Reid, Charles MartinAn instrumentalist approach to validation: a quantitative assessment of a novel coal gasification modelCoal; DQMOM; instrumentalism; LES; simulation; validation2012dissertation
2 Krumm, Robert LeeCarbon dioxide sequestration in in situ thermally treated coal and oil shale formationsCarbon; Coal; Mineralization; Pyrolysis; Sequestration; Shale2014-12dissertation
3 Goshayeshi, BabakCoal combustion simulation using one-dimensional turbulenceCoal; Combustion; Devolatlization; One-dimensional turbulence model2014-12dissertation
4 Wagner, David RayCoal conversion experimental methods for validation of pressurized entrained-flow gasifier simulationCoal; Entrained flow; Gasification; Modeling; Pyrolysis; Wire-mesh reactor2013-12dissertation
5 Pedel, JulienLarge eddy simulations of coal jet flame ignition using the direct quadrature method of momentsCfd; Coal; Direct quadrature method of moments; Dqmom; Large eddy simulation; Particles2012-08dissertation
6 Gneshin, Keith WilliamMass transfer and devolatilization phenomena in very large coal domains at very slow heating ratesCoal; Devolatilization; Porosity; Pyrolysis2013-12dissertation
7 Jia, YunluParticulate formation from pulverized coal under oxy-fuel combustion conditionsCoal; Combustion; Oxy-fuel; Particulate formation2015-08thesis
8 Pummill, RandyPhysical and computational studies of slag behavior in an entrained flow gasifierCoal; Entrained flow gasifier; Gasification; Slag2012-08dissertation
9 Wagner, David RayPyrolysis behavior of coal and petroleum coke at high temperature and high pressureCoal; Gasification; Petroleum coke; Pressure; Pyrolysis; Wire-mesh2011-05thesis
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