1 - 25 of 92
Number of results to display per page
1 Ada Murda Giles Thurston Photograph1920-04-01Image
2 Anders Nielsen Photograph 11914-10Image
3 Anders Nielsen Photograph 21940; 1950; 1960; 1970Image
4 Art in America publication. May-June 1970.1970-05Image; Text
5 Assembly Hall at Temple Square1960-02Image
6 Brigham City 14th Ward Young Women Christmas Recipes & Traditions 2000 cookbook.2000Image; Text
7 Charles W. Richins Photograph 11885Image
8 Charles W. Richins Photograph 21861Image
9 Children and teenagers in Hoytsville LDS chapel1976Image
10 Clyn and Norma photograph album page [1]1945; 1946; 1947; 1948; 1949; 1950Image; Text
11 Coalville LDS Tabernacle baptismal font [1]Image
12 Coalville LDS Tabernacle baptismal font [2]1970; 1971Image
13 Coalville LDS Tabernacle ceiling medallion [1]Image
14 Coalville LDS Tabernacle ceiling medallion [2]Image
15 Coalville LDS Tabernacle chapelImage
16 Coalville LDS Tabernacle classroomImage
17 Coalville LDS Tabernacle curtained stageImage
18 Coalville LDS Tabernacle exterior1970; 1971Image
19 Coalville LDS Tabernacle exterior during demolitionImage
20 Coalville LDS Tabernacle exterior front view of spiresImage
21 Coalville LDS Tabernacle exterior without windows; center frontImage
22 Coalville LDS Tabernacle exterior without windows; left frontImage
23 Coalville LDS Tabernacle exterior without windows; right frontImage
24 Coalville LDS Tabernacle front entranceImage
25 Coalville LDS Tabernacle interior during demolitionImage
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