1 - 25 of 15
Number of results to display per page
TitleCreatorCreation Date
1 Temple of Ramesses II, ground planca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
2 Temple of Ramses II and Nefertari, view of entrance as situated in the mountain faceca. 1279 - 1212 BCE (Dynasty 19)
3 Miscellaneous Faience and Glass Pieces
4 Vessel
5 Temple of Amun
6 Horemheb Tomb, ground planca. 1325 BCE (Dynasty 18)
7 Funerary Temple of Hatshepsut, ground planca. 1478 BCE (Dynasty 18)
8 Nefertari Tomb wall painting13th century BCE (Dynasty 19)
9 Tutankhamun Tomb Sarcophagus, view of inner coffinca. 1336/5 - 1327 BCE (dynasty 18)
10 Tutankhamun Tomb Throneca. 1336/5 - 1327 BCE (Dynasty 18)
11 Nebamun Tomb fresco: Pond in a Gardenca 1400 BCE (Dynasty 18)
12 Nebamun Tomb fresco: Pharaoh hunting fowl in the marshes of the Nileca. 1400 BCE (Dynasty 18)
13 Dish with Food
14 NefertitiTuthmoseca. 1348 - 1336/5 BCE (Dynasty 18)
15 Nefertiti (back view)Tuthmoseca. 1348 - 1336/5 BCE (Dynasty 18)
1 - 25 of 15