Title | Date | Type | Setname | ||
1 | American Coffee and Spices Company, Boxcar of Coffee | 1915-05-29 | Image | dha_scp | |
2 | Japan during Allied occupation, 1945-1952 [039] | 1950 | Image | uum_lctpc | |
3 | Letter from Orosn Hyde to Brigham Young, May 23, 1872 | 1872-05-23 | Image/StillImage | uaida_main | |
4 | Morning Ray Cafe & Bakery Barnum & Bailey's Cheesecake recipe | 1990 | Text | dha_pour | |
5 | Morning Ray Cafe & Bakery Java Cookies recipe | 1985 | Text | dha_pour | |
6 | Morning Ray Cafe & Bakery Menu [1] | 1995 | Image; Text | dha_pour | |
7 | Morning Ray Cafe & Bakery Menu [2] | Image; Text | dha_pour | ||
8 | National Tea Importing Company Window, Night | 1914-10-15 | Image | dha_scp | |
9 | U.S.O. P.01 | 1945-01-31 | Image/StillImage | dha_cp |