1 - 25 of 6
Number of results to display per page
TitleCollection Number And NamePhoto Number
1 University of Utah Ski TeamP0372 University of Utah Ski Team Photograph CollectionP0372n01_29_003
2 Four men wearing skis sitting and resting beneath a tree.P0379 Brighton Ski Resort Photograph CollectionP0379n1_03_065
3 Drawing of the Harris' watching their daughter Suzy speed down a slope.P0412 Suzy Harris Rytting Photograph CollectionP0412n1_02_007
4 Spencer Fox Eccles scrapbook [12]P0903 Spencer Eccles photograph collectionP0903n02_01_12
5 Backcountry skiers.P0918 Joe Coeburn Photograph CollectionP0918n082
6 Bill Briggs looking up a mountain slopeP0989 Bill Briggs Photograph CollectionP0989n01_01_13
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