326 - 350 of 2,223
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326 Using MuscleNagham Al-Zubidi; John E. Carter; Bundhit Tantawongski; Patricia Chevez-Barrios; Lyndon Tyler; Constance L. FryA 30- year-old Saudi female student with no past medical history presented an eight month history ofprogressive blurred vision primarily at near, anisocoria OS, and periocular discomfort with eyemovements. Neuro-Ophthalmologic examination revealed best corrected visual acuity of OD 20/20 andOS 20/30...
327 A Weak PresentationReuben M. Valenzuela; Bradley Katz; Alison Crum; Kathleen B. Digre; Nick Mamalis; Hans C. Davidson; Judith WarnerAn 82-year-old right-handed man with myasthenia gravis presented in May 2014 with double vision andright facial numbness and weakness. He was first seen in 1998 with horizontal diplopia. He had anabduction deficit of the right eye, and right nasolabial fold flattening. He was diagnosed withmyastheni...
328 I Can't See StraightSteven A. Newman; T. Ben AblemanIn May of 2014 this 30 year old right handed patient was referred for consultation regarding diplopiaand dizziness. The patient relates that she had been told that she had tired eyes as a child. Two and ahalf years ago she began to have intermittent exodeviation. She was seen locally and diagnosed a...
329 It's Not Just a FAD, (EHR Fatigue Syndrome)Jacqueline A. Leavitt; John J. Chen; Diva R. SalomaoA 29 year-old female nurse, nine months postpartum, presented with an inability to see her computerwell for the past two months. She denied eye pain, diplopia, numbness, tingling or weakness. Therewere no changes in vision in bright vs. dim lighting. She also had a headache at the back of her head f...
330 Some Like it HotAhmara G. Ross; Islam Zaydan; Gabrielle Bonhomme; Ellen Mitchell; Tarek Shazly; Deborah ParrishA 71 year old Caucasian man with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Type 2 DM,ESRD status post renal transplant, facial melanoma, currently on ASA for a stable left sided putaminalhemorrhage presented with new right sided ptosis and lower extremity weakness. Brain MRI obtainedon...
331 Growing SuspicionAngela M. Herro; Norman J. Schatz; Linda L. Sternau; John R. Guyloss in the right eye for 3 months. On presentation, vision was 4/200 in the right and 20/20 in the left with an afferent pupillary defect on the right. His visual field was full to confrontation but automated perimetry revealed a central scotoma. The remainder of the exam was normal with the except...
332 The Relationship Between PDE-5 Inhibitors and NAIONHoward D. Pomeranz, MDSildenafil was first synthesized by pharmaceutical chemists working at Pfizer. It was initially studied for use in hypertension and angina. Phase I clinical trials suggested that the drug had little effect on angina but could induce penile erection. Sildenafil (Viagra®) was patented in 1996 and app...
333 The Relationship Between PDE-5 Inhibitors and NAIONHoward D. Pomeranz, MDSildenafil was first synthesized by pharmaceutical chemists working at Pfizer. It was initially studied for use in hypertension and angina. Phase I clinical trials suggested that the drug had little effect on angina but could induce penile erection. Sildenafil (Viagra®) was patented in 1996 and app...
334 Star Spangled BannerDara M. Bier; Jeffrey P. Greenfield; Marc K. Rosenblum; Joseph Comunale; Cristiano Oliveira; Marc J. DinkinA 12-year-old girl with a history of bilateral optic nerve enlargement, enterovirus meningitis, seizures, and bilateral hygromas, presented with acute onset chronic vision loss in her left eye. Two years prior, she presented to an outside hospital with headaches, intermittent speech arrest and right...
335 Nobody's PerfectAlexander Ksendzovsky; Steven A. NewmanIn June of 2006 an 8 year old patient was referred for evaluation. Apparently at age 1 ½ she had developed headaches and was found to have a posterior fossa tumor. In El Salvador she was treated with shunting and chemotherapy plus radiation therapy for presumed medulloblastoma. She underwent a shun...
336 Some Like it HotAhmara G. Ross; Islam Zaydan; Gabrielle Bonhomme; Ellen Mitchell; Tarek Shazly; Deborah ParrishA 71 year old Caucasian man with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, Type 2 DM, ESRD status post renal transplant, facial melanoma, currently on ASA for a stable left sided putaminal hemorrhage presented with new right sided ptosis and lower extremity weakness. Brain MRI obtained...
337 Using MuscleNagham Al-Zubidi; John E. Carter; Bundhit Tantawongski; Patricia Chevez-Barrios; Lyndon Tyler; Constance L. FryA 30- year-old Saudi female student with no past medical history presented an eight month history of progressive blurred vision primarily at near, anisocoria OS, and periocular discomfort with eye movements. Neuro-Ophthalmologic examination revealed best corrected visual acuity of OD 20/20 and OS 20...
338 It's Not Just a FAD (EHR Fatigue Syndrome)Jacqueline A. Leavitt; John J. Chen; Diva R. SalomaoA 29 year-old female nurse, nine months postpartum, presented with an inability to see her computer well for the past two months. She denied eye pain, diplopia, numbness, tingling or weakness. There were no changes in vision in bright vs. dim lighting. She also had a headache at the back of her head...
339 Joe & Jerry Flew the CoopLulu L.C.D. Bursztyn; Dane A Breker; Andrew W. Stacey; Ashok Srinivasan; Mark W. Johnson; Jonathan D. TrobeA previously healthy 13-year-old girl presented to a local hospital with fever and myalgia, followed one day later by lethargy and vision loss. Past medical history was significant only for acne, for which she had been treated with doxycycline 40 mg/day intermittently starting 2 months prior to symp...
340 Bariatric Surgery and the Neuro-OphthalmologistHeather E. MossBariatric surgery, in which the gastrointestinal tract is surgically manipulated with the goal of decreasing caloric absorption and ultimately causing weight loss, is relevant to neuro-ophthalmologists for two main reasons. First, it is a treatment option we can discuss with our patients who have we...
341 Under PressureNathan H. Kung; Collin M. McClelland; Gregory P. Van StavernA 29-year-old woman was referred to neuro-ophthalmology clinic for 1 year of headaches and papilledema discovered 2 months earlier. She complained of recently blurred vision but no positional headache, pulsatile tinnitus, transient visual obscurations, or other neurologic issues. She used no medicat...
342 Who Deserves a Second Chance?Lina Nagia; Jennifer Doyle; Lanning KlineAn 81-year-old woman presents with a one-month history of blurred vision OS, acutely worse in the past 5 days. She reports pain with left gaze, left sided forehead tenderness and some weight loss. Medical history includes hypertension, borderline diabetes, cerebral vascular accident and basal cell c...
343 I Can't See StraightSteven A. Newman; T. Ben AblemanIn May of 2014 this 30 year old right handed patient was referred for consultation regarding diplopia and dizziness. The patient relates that she had been told that she had 'tired eyes' as a child. Two and a half years ago she began to have intermittent exodeviation. She was seen locally and diagnos...
344 Three Weeks in FloridaAndrew R. Carey; J. Antonio Bermudez-Magner; Sander R. Dubovy; Norman J. Schatz; Linda L. Sternau; Byron L. LamA 36 year-old man presented with severe headaches, bilateral leg numbness, and bilateral decreased vision. He was born in Ecuador where he received BCG vaccination and immigrated to US at age 19. In 2005 he enrolled in nursing school and volunteered in homeless shelters. PPD was positive with a nega...
345 A Shot in the DarkJoshua Pasol; Ricardo Komotar; Feisal YamaniA 74 year-old man with a chief complaint of difficulty with night time driving for several years as well as difficulty going from a lighted room to a dark room. PMH of high cholesterol, BPH, hypothyroidism, GERD, glottic squamous cell cancer without recurrence, and a prior history of alcoholism. POH...
346 Joe & Jerry Flew the CoopLulu L.C.D. Bursztyn; Dane A Breker; Andrew W. Stacey; Ashok Srinivasan; Mark W. Johnson; Jonathan D. TrobeA previously healthy 13-year-old girl presented to a local hospital with fever and myalgia, followed one day later by lethargy and vision loss. Past medical history was significant only for acne, for which she had been treated with doxycycline 40 mg/day intermittently starting 2 months prior to symp...
347 Shady Double CrosserFrancine WeinHistory & Exam A 62-year-old woman presented with a one-month history of severe light sensitivity and headache, and a two week history of diplopia. Her photophobia was severe enough for her to wear sunglasses indoors. Her past medical history was significant for a cholecystectomy and Crohn's disease...
348 Growing SuspicionAngela M. Herro; Norman J. Schatz; Linda L. Sternau; John R. GuyA 44 year-old man presented to the emergency department in July 2011 for progressive painless visionloss in the right eye for 3 months. On presentation, vision was 4/200 in the right and 20/20 in the leftwith an afferent pupillary defect on the right. His visual field was full to confrontation but a...
349 Hiding and Out of SightMichael L. Morgan; Sumayya J. Almarzouqi; Patricia Chevez-Barrios; Amina I. Malik; Andrew G. LeeA 75-year-old white woman presented with a history of biopsy-proven giant cell arteritis (GCA)presented with recurrence of severe left sided headaches and left global ophthalmoparesis for 4 days.GCA had been diagnosed 4 months prior by biopsy. Left eye vision loss occurred when an outsidephysician t...
350 Requiem for a Cabinet MakerJennifer I. Doyle; Michael S. Vaphiades; James R. Hackney; Lanning B. Kline; Lina NagiaA 54-year-old white male presents with 3 weeks of painless horizontal nystagmus and 6 months of leftsided forehead numbness. He reports a 20 lbs weight loss. Medical history includes a renal transplant 30years prior. He takes prednisone 30 mg QOD and azathioprine. Visual acuity is 20/20 OU, color vi...
326 - 350 of 2,223