1 - 25 of 49
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1 Basilica (Herculaneum) fresco, Theseus triumphantImage
2 Golden House (Rome), barrel vault of a corridor, birds, animals, and marine creaturesImage
3 House (Pompeii) fresco, a Magistrate and his WifeImage
4 House (Pompeii) fresco, riot between Pompeians and Nucerians in amphitheater in CE 59Image
5 House (Pompeii) fresco, woman holds a book and stylusImage
6 House of Sallust, interior view with wall paintingsImage
7 House of Sirico, triclinium fresco: Healing of the Wounded Aeneas by lapyxImage
8 House of the Centenary, Lararium fresco: view of Mount VesuviusImage
9 House of the Golden Bracelet (Pompeii), room 32, left wall, fresco of a garden sceneImage
10 House of the Griffins, bedroom, wall paintingImage
11 House of the Surgeon (Pompeii), fresco: A Painter at WorkImage
12 House of Vettii, Lararium frescoImage
13 Julia Felix House fresco, Still Life with Eggs and GameImage
14 Livia Country Villa fresco, garden roomImage
15 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, cubiculum near tablinuim, Narcissus gazes at his reflection in the riverImage
16 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddessesImage
17 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, the loves of Mars and Venus; Mercury with two goddessesImage
18 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House fresco, three woman converse under a porticoImage
19 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, tablinuim, west wall, Bacchus and Ariadne in processionImage
20 Marcus Lucretius Fronto House, view of the atrium and tablinumImage
21 Pompeii Fresco DetailImage
22 Pompeii, reconstruction drawing of the room with garden paintingsImage
23 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus n, south wall, central image, Zethus and Amphion tie Dirce to a bull to avenge their mother, AntiopeImage
24 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus p (lxion room), Daedalus offers a wooden cow to PasiphaeImage
25 Vettii House (Pompeii) fresco, oecus p, east wall, 2nd aedicula from the north, Apollo and PythiaImage
1 - 25 of 49