126 - 150 of 169
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TitleCreatorCreation Date
126 Day of the Heroic Guerrilla PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
127 Imágenes (Images) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
128 Destacamento Oriental Columna Juvenil del Centenario (Eastern Detachment, Youth Centennial Column) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
129 El Cuento del Zar Saltan (The Legend of Czar Saltan) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
130 Hasta la Victoria Siempre (Ever Toward Victory) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
131 El No Quiso Matar (He Didn't Want to Kill) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
132 Nadie Quería Morir (No One Wanted to Die) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
133 Tierra en Trance (Country in Crisis) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
134 Cimarrón PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
135 LBJ PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
136 En mi isla inspirados en su ejemplo formaremos nuestra conciencia y construiremos el Comunismo (On my Island, inspried by your example we shall shape our conscience and build Communism) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
137 Desfile y Concentración 7 Aniversario (Parade and Concentration 7 Anniversary) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
138 28 de Septiembre octavo aniversario (Eighth Anniversary of September 28) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
139 Campeonato Internacional de Tiro (International Shooting Championship) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
140 Los Vengadores Incapturables (The Uncapturable Avengers) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
141 Sexto Aniversario 1959-1965 (Sixth Anniversary 1959-1965) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
142 Canción Protesta (Protest Song) PosterOSPAAAL (Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa, and Latin America)
143 Sun MadEster Hernandez1982 CE
144 Declaracion Reglamento (Regulation Statement)FMTC (Frente Mexicano de Trabajadores de la Cultura) [Mexican Front of Cultural Workers]January 1980 CE
145 Expediente: La Historia Documentada de un Complot Frustado (File: The Documented History of a Plot Frustrated)Grupo Proceso Pentagono1980 CE
146 March in memory of those who died in Tlatelolco and to demand the presentation of the disappeared politiciansGrupo GerminalOctober 1978 CE
147 La Grafica del 68: Homenaje al Movimiento Estudiantil (Tribute to the Student Movement)Grupo Mira1993 CE
148 Action 108, Palestinians wait to cross the Erez Crossing while trying to flee from Gaza. 20 June 2007Reza Aramesh2011 CE
149 Action 91, Soldier of the Front de Liberation Nationale in French custody. Aumale, Algeria. October 1960Reza Aramesh2010 CE
150 Action 44: Baghdad September 10th, 2004Reza Aramesh2008 - 2009 CE
126 - 150 of 169