51 - 75 of 4,572
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51 Chediak-Higashi SyndromeChediak-higashi syndrome, septic polyBb1400; White Blood Cells; WBC; Dhle BodyAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
52 Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaChronic Myelogenous LeukemiaJa020T; CML; Band; Metamyelocyte; Myelocyte; PromyelocyteAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
53 Bone Marrow Aspirate with Sea Blue Histiocytebone marrow aspirate with sea blue histiocyteXg0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
54 Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationperipheral smear AML 2Pc040TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
55 Bone Marrow in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemiabone marrow AML 3Pd0300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
56 Bone Marrow showing Marked Vacuolation of Erythroid Precursors in Acute Erythroblastic LeukemiaPatient's bone marrow showing marked vacuolation of erythroid precursors in AML 6Pg0800Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
57 IgA-lambda Myeloma, Cryoglobulinemia and Cryocrystals in Plasma Cellspatient with IgA-lambda myeloma , cryoglobulinemia and cryocrystals in plasma cellsKf0500Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
58 Acute Erythroleukemia with Gigantic Oxyphilic NormoblastBone marrow AML 6 with gigantic oxyphilic normoblastPg03a0; AML 6; DyserythropoiesisAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
59 Extra- and Intracellular MAI in Bone Marrow Aspirateextra- and intracellular MAI in bone marrow aspirateVb0200; Acid FastAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
60 Megaloblastic Anemiaperipheral blood smear in megaloblastic anemia (Hct 29) (400x)Ea0300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
61 Fetal Hemoglobin Cellsfetal Hb cells stained with the Betke stainFc5a00; SCAAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
62 Oxyphilic Megaloblastoxyphilic megaloblast on peripheral smearEa1300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
63 Chronic Lymphatic Leukemiachronic lymphatic leukemiaKa0100; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
64 Bone Marrow with Giant, Multinucleated RBC with Decreased Nuclear Cytoplasmic Ratio in Acute Erythroblastic LeukemiaBM with giant, multinucleated RBC with decreased nuclear cytoplasmic ratioPg0600; AML 6Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
65 Acrocyanosis of Hand in Cold Agglutinin Diseaseacrocyanosis of left hand after exposure to cold in CADEc0300; Cold Agglutinin Disease; CAD; Red Cell AgglutinationAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
66 Livedo Reticularis of Hand in Multiple Myeloma with Monoclonal Cryoglobulinlivedo reticularis of hand in myeloma patient with monoclonal cryoglobulinKf1900Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
67 Megaloblastic Erythropoiesis with Polychromatic Erythroblastsmegaloblastic erythropoiesis, two polychromatic erythroblastsEa1200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
68 Chronic Myelogenous Leukemiabuffy coat from untreated patient with Chronic Myelogenous LeukemiaJa0300; CMLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
69 Solid Serum Cryoprotein with Monoclonal Gamma Globulin Msolid serum cryoprotein with monoclonal IgMKd060TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
70 Lead Poisoninglead ball' sign in acute Pb poisoningDe0200; Stippling; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
71 Thalassemia Minorthalassemia minorDc0300; Target CellsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
72 Red Blood Cell Inclusions - Howell-Jolly Body with Cabot Ring and NormoblastHowell-Jolly body with Cabot ring and normoblastCb0500; RBC; Red Blood Cell InclusionsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
73 Histio-epithelioid Whorl Suggestive of Granuloma in Hodgkin Diseasehistio-epithelioid whorl suggestive of granuloma in Hodgkins patient (400x)Xh02a0; HDAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
74 Plasma Cell with Russell Bodies in Small Monoclonal Paraproteinplasma cell with Russell bodies in patient with small monoclonal paraprotein (400x)Kf10a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
75 Megakaryoblastic Leukemia showing Megakaryoblast and a Nucleated RBCperipheral smear showing 1 megakaryoblast and a nucleated RBCPh0300; AML 7Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
51 - 75 of 4,572