551 - 575 of 4,589
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551 Lymphs in Serum Sicknessstimulated lymphs in serum sicknessBb1100; White Blood Cells; WBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
552 Red Blood Cell Inclusions - ReticulocytesreticulocytesCb03aT; RBC; Red Blood Cell InclusionsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
553 Red Blood Cell Inclusions - ReticulocytesreticulocytesCb03a0; RBC; Red Blood Cell InclusionsAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
554 Klebsiella Sepsisperipheral smear with Klebsiella sepsisVa0300Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
555 Bone Marrow showing Clusters of Atypical Megakaryoblasts and Fibrosis in Megakaryoblastic Leukemiabone marrow showing clusters of atypical megakaryoblasts and fibrosis (100x), trichrome stainPh0500; AML 7Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
556 IgA-lambda Myeloma, Cryoglobulinemia and Cryocrystals in Plasma Cellspatient with IgA-lambda myeloma , cryoglobulinemia and cryocrystals in plasma cellsKf05a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
557 Bone Marrow in Acute Lymphatic Leukemia, L3 with Multiple Cytoplasmic Vacuolesbone marrow ALL 3 with multiple cytoplasmic vacuolesRc0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
558 Stitch in a Hemophiliac's Tonguefive days after stitch was placed in tongue of hemophilic patientXm0200; BleedingAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
559 Bone Marrow in Chronic Lymphatic Leukemiabone marrow in chronic lymphatic leukemiaKa0500; CLLAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
560 Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia with Differentiationperipheral smear AML 2Pc0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
561 Anemia of Chronic Diseasecoarse bone marrow iron in macrophagesDb020T; ACDAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
562 Red Blood Cellssmear of normal RBCsDa010T; RBC; Red Blood Cells; Blood SmearAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
563 Osteoblast in Bone Marrowosteoblast in bone marrowKf140TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
564 Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia with Thrombocytopenia and Disseminated Intravascular Coagulationpatient with AML 3 with both thrombocytopenia and DICPd0400Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
565 Intracellular Ehrlichia with Mature Morula in Granulocyteintracellular Ehrlichia with mature morula in granulocyte on peripheral smearVa1100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
566 Myelophthisic Anemialeukoerythroblastic peripheral smear (400x)Bb13ct; White Blood Cells; WBC; Metamyelocyte; Myelocyte; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
567 Rhabdomyosarcoma Metastatic to Bone Marrowrhabdomyosarcoma metastatic to bone marrowWa0300; Tumor; CarcinomaAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
568 Megakaryoblastic Leukemia showing Promegakaryocyteperipheral smear showing promegakaryocytePh020T; AML 7Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
569 Acute Monoblastic Leukemia with Monoblastpatient with AML 5 peripheral smear with monoblastPf0100Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
570 Howell-Jolly Bodies in Macro-ovalocyteHowell Jolly bodies in macro-ovalocyteEa010TAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
571 Plasma Cell Leukemiaplasma cell leukemiaKf01a0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
572 Thalassemia Minorthalassemia minorDc0200Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
573 Erythroid Regeneration in Hemolytic Anemiaevidence of erythroid regenerationEb0200; Warm Immune Hemolytic Anemia; Howell-Jolly Bodies; NRBCAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
574 Plasma Cell Leukemia with Plasmablastic Bone Marrow9c- plasma cell leukemia in patient with plasmablastic bone marrowKf09d0Albert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
575 Hypereosinophilic Syndromehypereosinophilic syndrome, eosinophileBb1700; White Blood Cells; WBC; EosinophileAlbert Einstein College of Medicine Gallery of Hematology Images
551 - 575 of 4,589