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1 Benisti, Jean-Claude ; Vabre, C. ; Chapus, A.The "Comburimetre" and its Use in Combustion Control1986
2 Giaier, T.; Cron, D.; Shahid, I.; Rosen, T.; Rabovitser, I.; Cygan, D.; Robert,M.20 MMBtu/h FIR Burner Test Results: High Efficiency and Very Low NOx with No FGR1997TECHNOLOGY SUMMARY Develop a very low emissions, natural gas-fired burner for new and retrofit applications to industrial and utility watertube boilers and process fluid heaters in the range of 1.2 to 35 MWth (4 to 120 X 10^6 Btu/h)
3 2011 AFRC combustion symposium attendees2011-09-20
4 Newby, John21 Years of Real-World Low NOx Injection ("LNI")2013-09-23Paper from the AFRC 2013 conference titled 21 Years of Real-World Low NOx Injection ("LNI") by John Newby.
5 Baukal, C.4 Rules of Fired Heater Operation2015-09-10Paper from the AFRC 2015 conference titled 4 Rules of Fired Heater Operation
6 Pitz, William J.; Westbrook, Charles K.A Chemical Kinetic Modeling Study of Chlorinated Hydrocarbon Combustion1990
7 Drennan, Scott A.; Lifshits, Vladimir; Camino, Ken; Seay, Jason E.; Pont, Jennifer N.; Gemmer, R. V.A Combined Experimental and Numerical Approach to the Design of an Industrial Ultra Low NOx Natural Gas Fired Burner1996
8 Wheaton, Zachary; Stroh, David; Krishnamoorthy, Gautham; Muhammad, Sami; Orsino, Stefano; Nakod, PravinA comparative study of gray and non-gray methods of computing gas absorption coefficients and its effect on the numberical predictions of oxy-fuel combustionComputational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are performed to model the radiation process in natural gas fired furnaces using different gray and non-gray radiation models. Simulations of two representative furnace cases (HTAC and OXYFLAM) were performed and the computed radiative fluxes compared w...
9 Murphree, D. L.; Srikantaiah, D. V.; Stickel, R. E.; Daubach, R. O.A Differential Ultraviolet Resonant Absorption System for the Non-Intrusive Measurement of Nitric Oxide in a Combustion Environment1983
10 Boley, T.M.A Discussion of Concerns if Proposed Refinery Flare Rules are Applied to the Chemical Industry2015-09-10Paper from the AFRC 2015 conference titled A Discussion of Concerns if Proposed Refinery Flare Rules are Applied to the Chemical Industry
11 Boley, Troy M.; Davis, Bruce C.A Discussion of Concerns if Proposed Refinery Flare Rules are Applied to the Chemical Industry2015
12 Yoshino, H.; Viskanta, R.A Dynamic Thermal System Model For a Low Inertia Furnace1997
13 De Soete, Gerard G.A Heated Grid Study of the Pyrolysis/Oxidation Competition During Ignition of Coal Dust1982
14 Floris, F.; Pasini, S.; Partesotti, C.; Quattroni, G.A Laboratory-Scale Furnace to Study Ash Deposition and Fouling Due to Pulverized Coal Combustion1988
15 Johnson, M. R.; Kostiuk, Larry; Cheng, R. K.A Low Emissions, Lean Premixed Burner1995
16 Sivy, J. L.; Kaufman, K. C.; Rodgers, L. W.; Koslosky, J. V.A Low-NOx Burner Prototype Developed for B&W's Advanced Coal Fired Emission Boiler System1996
17 Stapper, Blake E.; Nelson, Thomas P.; Bell, Ronald D.; Barone, S. PeterA Low-NOx High-DRE Burner for Co-firing Liquid Waste with Natural Gas1995
18 Annen, K.; Gruninger, J.; Stewart, G.A Method For Extending Viscosity Prediction Formulas1983
19 Hayhurst, Jeff; Hyde, John; Menniti, DanielA New Approach to Combined Cross Correlation and Flicker Frequency Flame Monitoring for Very Low NOx Pulverised Fuel Burners1997
20 A New Turbulent Combustion Model Based on Flame Surface Density Concept1997
21 Panahi, S. K.; Hemsath, K. H.; Thekdi, A. C.A New Ultra Low NOx Combustion Technique for Preheated Combustion Air Applications1993
22 Panahi, S. K.; Hemsath, K. H.; Thekdi, Arvind C.A New Ultra Low NOx Combustion Technique for Preheated Combustion Air Applications1994
23 Fairchild, Paul; Gat, Nahum; Witte, Arvel B.A Non-Intrusive Sodium Line Emission Pyrometer for Coal Combustor Temperature Measurement1985
24 Niguse, Yonas, G.A Novel Fuel-Flexible Combustor for Industrial Applications2013-09-24Paper from the AFRC 2013 conference titled A Novel Fuel-Flexible Combustor for Industrial Applications by Yonas Niguse
25 Atreya, Arvind; Kezerle, James A.A novel method of waste heat recovery from high temperature furnaces to create radiative flameless combustion2009One of the largest heat losses in high temperature furnaces is the loss of flue gas enthalpy. Currently, up to 60% of the heating value of natural gas (or any other fuel) used in high temperature furnaces is lost via the flue gases. This work discusses the benefits and technology of re-circulating t...
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