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1 "Leaders in American Medicine," Interview with Homer R. Warner, M.D. (1985)1985Image/MovingImageehsl_hhs
2 Active sperm separation technique using an inertial microfluidic device2017Textir_etd
3 Addressing the foreign body response to high density penetrating microelectrode arrays2018Textir_etd
4 Complex coacervates as liquid embolic agents with a novel ionic strength dependent setting mechanism2017Textir_etd
5 Conduit based drug delivery device for peripheral nerve regeneration2017Textir_etd
6 Designing Proteins to Carry Cargoes Between Cells2016Imageehsl_50disc
7 Development of a biomimetic double network hydrogel with a dual mechanism for increased toughness and sustained tobramycin elution inspired by the underwater caddisfly silk2017Textir_etd
8 Expanding SELEX technology to engineer functional nucleic acids optimized for the development of small-molecule biosensors2018Textir_etd
9 Homer R. Warner, M.D. Ph.D.1996Imageehsl_hhs
10 Homer R. Warner, M.D. Ph.D.Imageehsl_hhs
11 Homer R. Warner, M.D. Ph.D.Imageehsl_hhs
12 Homer R. Warner, M.D. Ph.D.Imageehsl_hhs
13 Increased gluti expression in mouse cardiomyocytes preserves mitochondrial function but is insufficient to attenuate pressure overload-induced contractile dysfunction2013-04Textir_htoa
15 Kolff Coil Kidney (1955)1955ehsl_hhs
16 Methods for the improved detection of tuberculosis biomarkers with an emphasis towards point-of-need diagnostics2017Textir_etd
17 Part-humans: how human are they and does it matter?2011-08Textir_etd
18 Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D. (1968)1968Imageehsl_hhs
19 Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D. (1970)1970Imageehsl_hhs
20 Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D. (1996)1996Imageehsl_hhs
21 Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D. (2015)2015Imageehsl_hhs
22 The role of hypoxia inducible factor 1 (HIF 1) in the radioresistance of meningiomas2017Textir_etd
23 T. Allan Pryor, Ph.D. (1980)Imageehsl_hhs
24 Validation and application of a novel high density electrode array for use in small diameter peripheral nerves2017Textir_etd
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