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AuthorTitleSubjectDatePublication Type
1 Block, Heidi Marie"Superheroes social skills": an initial study examining an evidence-based program for elementary-aged students with autism spectrum disorders in a school settingAutism spectrum disorders; Generalization; Peer-mediated; Self-management; Social skills; Video-modeling2012-05dissertation
2 Hood, Julia Ann KellyIs "superheroes social skills" an evidence-based approach to teach social skills to children in a clinical setting? A pilot study examining an evidence-based program for childrem with autismAutism; Social skills2010-08thesis
3 Quinn, EmilySpeech language pathologists' practice with young children who require augmentative and alternative communication: a focus on social communication and peer interventionLanguage disorders in children; Social skills2010-08thesis
4 Segura, Brandon P.The superheroes social skills program: a study examining an evidence-based program for elementary-aged students with autism spectrum disorders who are frequently bulliedAutism; Bullying; Elementary; Intervention; Social skills2012-08dissertation
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