26 - 50 of 80
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26 Effects of dopamine depletion on N-methyl-D-aspartate and dopamine receptor-mediated regulation of striatonigral neurons.2000-05Text
27 Effects of local application of methamphetamine and its para-hydroxylated metabolites on central monoaminergic systems1987-06Text
28 Effects of methamphetamine on striatal neuropeptide Y function.2001-05Text
29 Effects of penicillin pretreatment on renal tubular para-aminohippurate transport in the immature rat1976-08Text
30 Effects of strain on cardiac electrophysiology and microstructure2011-12Text
31 Elastin gene expression in human skin fibroblasts during development and in heritable diseases1986-08Text
32 Elephant sex pheromone transport and recognition2001-12Text
33 Enhanced T cell response as a unique feature of Lyme arthritis in TLR2-deficient mice2006-12Text
34 Environmental inequality and obesogenics: understanding the relationship between unequal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and obesity prevalence2017Text
35 Examining the role of the M-type potassium current in epilepsy using mice that carry KCNQ2 and KCNQ3 gene alterations2006-08Text
36 Factors influencing drug and metabolite incorporation into hair.1996-03Text
37 Gain Modulation of Cholinergic neurons in the medial septumdiagonal band of broca and the mechanism of cholinergic suppression of hippocampal ripples2017Text
38 Genetic analysis of Drosophila steroid-triggered cell death2005-08Text
39 In vivo and in vitro effects of phenytoin on anion and cation transport systems of the rat brain1984-03Text
40 Inactivation of tumor suppressors LKB1 and PTEN by arachidonic acid metabolites2007-08Text
41 Interactions of D1-dopamine receptors with functionally distinct NMDA receptors in striatum2003-08Text
42 Iron-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction in a mouse model of hemochromatosis2007-05Text
43 Long-term potentiation in the bulbospinal sympathetic pathways of the cat,1982-06Text
44 Maintenance of acinar cell differentiation by PTF1A inhibits pancreatic cancer initiation2017Text
45 Mass transfer in the pathogenesis and treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis2017Text
46 Methamphetamine and mechanisms underlying tolerance to its neurotoxic effects.2004-08Text
47 Methylphenidate, the vesicular monoamine transporter-2 and neurotoxicity2002-05Text
48 Microtubule geometry and thermal modulation of molecular motors Tug-Of-War2017Text
49 Modified coiled-coil proteins for the treatment of chronic myeloid leukemia2017Text
50 Modulation of immune function by activators of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor Alpha in aging1998-12Text
26 - 50 of 80