26 - 50 of 117
Number of results to display per page
26 Construction of 2-ADIC Galois extension with wild inertia given by an extra special 2-group2012-08Text
27 Dehn functions of higher rank arithmetic groups of type a_n in products of simple lie groups2016Text
28 The difference potentials method for problems with evolving geometry and modeling fluid flow in Sea Ice2018Text
29 Differential-Graded aspects of local cohomology and cossuport for group-graded triangulated categories2019Text
30 Dimension results for two random fractals2012-08Text
31 Discrepancies of normal varieties2012-05Text
32 Dynamic behavior of biological membranes2014-12Text
33 Dynamics and structure: from microtubule networks to population networks2018Text
34 Efficient computational methods for electromagnetic imaging with applications to 3D magnetotellurics2014-12Text
35 Enhanced nilpotent representations of a cyclic quiver2010Text
36 Enumerative geometry of quot schemes2017Text
37 Existence of solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations2011-08Text
38 Existence, uniqueness, stochastic stability, and estimation theory of multivariate GARCH models2011-08Text
39 Extensions of graded affine Hecke algebra modules2014-12Text
40 From particile diffusion to neuronal networks: a multi-scale study of the astrocytes' role in the brain2019Text
41 Functors for genuine representations of the metaplectic group and graded affine hecke algebras2011-05Text
42 Generalized pairs in birational geometry2019Text
43 Generic vanishing and the geometry of irregular varieties in positive characteristic2016Text
44 Generic vanishing, pluri-canonical maps and volume of isolated sigularity2014-05Text
45 Geometry of Out(Fn) through completely split train tracks2018Text
46 Grafting real complex projective structures2010-08Text
47 Gromov-witten theory of projective bundles2017Text
48 H2(SL2 (Z[t,t-1]) ;Q) is infinite-dimensional2014-05Text
49 Information-use strategies in ants2016Text
50 Integer torsion in local cohomology, and questions on tight closure theory2011-05Text
26 - 50 of 117