26 - 50 of 75
Number of results to display per page
26 Evaluation of double-moment representation of war-rain and ice hydrometeors in bulk microphysical parameterization2014-12Text
27 Evaluation of radio occultation measurements for long-term tropopause monitoring2008-08Text
28 Evaluation of simulated tropical convective updraft hydrometeor properties using aircraft observations2016Text
29 Evaluation of the international satellite cloud climatology project simulator using data from the atmospheric radiation measurement Southern Great Plains facility in Oklahoma2008-08Text
30 Evaluation of tropical cyclone forecasts from a global model and comparison with regional mesoscale numerical simulations of hurricane joaquin2016Text
31 Experimental study of turbulent flow inlet system performance2018Text
32 Fine-scale radar observations of orographic precipitation features during a Wasatch Mountain winter storm2013-12Text
33 Frontal passage and cold pool detection using Oklahoma Mesonet observations2013-05Text
34 Global ensemble forecast system precipitation forecasts and the implications of statistical downscaling over the western united states2016Text
35 High-resolution dynamical downscaling of past and future climate of the western united states: validation of performance and analysis of changing snowpack2016Text
36 How vertical wind shear affected the rapid intensification of typhoon jangmi (2008)2010Text
37 Impact of a lake breeze on summer ozone concentration in the Salt Lake Valley2016Text
38 Impact of ice crystal habit on the parameterization of cloud microphysical properties when using 94GHZ polarimetric scanning cloud radar during stormvex2013-08Text
39 Interannual variability of Rossby wave breaking in the pacific sector2019Text
40 Investigating albedo and precipitation susceptibility of marine boundary layer clouds using A-train data2014-12Text
41 Investigating Cirrus cloud behavior using A-train and geostationary satellite data2011-05Text
42 Investigation of wintertime cold-air pools and aerosol layers in the Salt Lake Valley using a lidar ceilometer2013-12Text
43 The long wave flux density leaving the Earth under various meteorological conditions1959Text
44 Mean and turbulent motion in and above a canyon1973-02Text
45 Modeling seasonal stratospheric sudden warming climatology based on polar vortex statistics2017Text
46 Modeling the surface radiation and energy budget inside Arizona's meteor crater2013-08Text
47 Modeling urban carbon dioxide using light-rail measurements and the modified stochastic time-inverted lagrangian transport model (Stilt-R Version 2)2017Text
48 Normal modes in North Atlantic atmosphere-ocean system and predicting North Atlantic sea surface temperature2016Text
49 Numerical simulations and sensitivity studies of a florida sea breeze and its associated convection in the gray-zone grid spacing2017Text
50 Observations and modeling of thermally driven wind jets at the exit of a Utah canyon2011-12Text
26 - 50 of 75