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26 PVCs - marquettePVCs - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
27 Right Ventricular Hypertrophy (RVH) & Right Atrial Enlargement (RAE)In this case of severe pulmonary hypertension, RVH is recognized by the prominent anterior forces (tall R waves in V1-2), right axis deviation (+110 degrees), and P pulmonale (i.e., right atrial enlargement). RAE is best seen in the frontal plane leads; the P waves in lead II are >2.5mm in amplitud...Knowledge Weavers ECG
28 ECG intervals and wavesThe P wave represents atrial activation; the PR interval is the time from onset of atrial activation to onset of ventricular activation. The QRS complex represents ventricular activation; the QRS duration is the duration of ventricular activation. The ST-T wave represents ventricular repolarizatio...Knowledge Weavers ECG
29 Atrial flutter with 2:1 AV conductionFlutter waves are best seen in lead V1; one immediately follows the QRS and the other precedes the next QRS. The regular ventricular rate of 150 bpm should always prompt us to condider this diagnosis.Knowledge Weavers ECG
30 Left axis deviation: QRS axis = -45 degreesThere is no isoelectric, but leads aVR and II are the closest to being isoelectric, placing the axis between -30 and -60 degrees. The axis, therefore, is about -45 degrees.Knowledge Weavers ECG
31 Long QT: an ECG marker for sudden cardiac deathLong QT: an ECG marker for sudden cardiac deathKnowledge Weavers ECG
32 Frontal plane QRS axis = 0 degreesFrontal plane QRS axis = 0 degreesKnowledge Weavers ECG
33 Isolated PAC - marquetteIsolated PAC - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
34 Inferolateral ST segment elevationST Segment elevation with a straight or convex upwards configuration usually means transmural ischemia (or injury) and is seen in the setting of acute myocardial infarction. This ECG finding may also be seen transiently during coronary artery spasm. Unlike ST depression, ST elevation is often loca...Knowledge Weavers ECG
35 A PAC initiates paroxysmal atrial fibrillationThe arrow indicates slight alteration of the ST-T wave by a PAC. The PAC, in turn, falls during the vulnerable period of atrial repolarization and initiates atrial fibrillation. Similar but more catastrophic events happen in the ventricles when PVC's occur during the vulnerable period, i.e. R-on-T...Knowledge Weavers ECG
36 Left Atrial Abnormality & 1st Degree AV BlockThe P-wave is notched, wider than 0.12s, and has a prominent negative (posterior) component in V1 - all criteria for left atrial abnormality or enlargement (LAE). The PR interval >0.20s. Minor ST-T wave abnormalities are also present.Knowledge Weavers ECG
37 3rd degree AV block rx'ed with a ventricular pacemakerIn A the ECG shows complete or 3rd degree AV block with a left ventricular escape rhythm, as evidenced by the upright QRS morphology. In B the artificial right ventricular pacemaker rhythm is shown.Knowledge Weavers ECG
38 Lead Error: V1 & V3 are TransposedIn this normal 12-lead ECG the V1 and V3 chest electrodes are interchanged. Experienced ECG interpreters should be able to spot this lead placement error.Knowledge Weavers ECG
39 PAC and PVC: complete vs. incomplete pausePAC and PVC: complete vs. incomplete pauseKnowledge Weavers ECG
40 Electronic atrial pacing - marquetteElectronic atrial pacing - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
41 Normal sinus rhythm - marquetteNormal sinus rhythm - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
42 Left ventricular PVC'sIn lead V1, these PVC's are positive or anterior in direction indicating probable LV origin with late activation of the right ventricle. The arrow points to the notch on the downstroke of the PVC making its morphology highly unlikely to be an aberrantly conducted supraventricular beat.Knowledge Weavers ECG
43 Junctional tachycardia with exit block: a manifestation of digitalis intoxicationTheladder diagramsays it all: the atria are fibrillating; there is complete heart block in the AV junction; a junctional tachycardia focus is firing at about 130 bpm, but not all junctional impulses reach the ventricles due to 2nd degree exit block.Knowledge Weavers ECG
44 Frontal plane QRS axis = +90 degrees1) Lead I is isoelectric; 2) perpendiculars to lead I are +90 and -90 degrees; 3) leads II, III, aVF are positive; 4) therefore, the axis must be +90 degrees.Knowledge Weavers ECG
45 Electrical and mechanical events diagram - marquetteElectrical and mechanical events diagram - marquetteKnowledge Weavers ECG
46 Anteroseptal MI, fully evolved: precordial leadsAnteroseptal MI, fully evolved: precordial leadsKnowledge Weavers ECG
47 Left atrial enlargement: leads II and V1Left atrial enlargement: leads II and V1Knowledge Weavers ECG
48 Fully evolved inferior MI: frontal planeFully evolved inferior MI: frontal planeKnowledge Weavers ECG
49 Frontal plane QRS axis = -75 degreesFrontal plane QRS axis = -75 degreesKnowledge Weavers ECG
50 Supernormal conduction: 2nd degree AV block with rare captures; accelerated ventricular rhythmThis complicated rhythm strip illustrates 'supernormal' conduction... a situation where conduction is better than expected. The ladder diagram shows that the accelerated ventricular rhythm prevents most of the sinus impulses from reaching the ventricles. Only appropriately timed sinus impulses rea...Knowledge Weavers ECG
26 - 50 of 288