Title | Date | Type | Setname | ||
1 | Clinical utility of multigene versus single gene genomic profiling in metastatic colorectal cancer | 2016 | Text | ir_etd | |
2 | Familial effects of BRCA1 genetic mutation testing: changes in perceived family functioning | 2007 | Text | ir_uspace | |
3 | Fertility intentions following testing for a BRCA1 gene mutation | 2004 | Text | ir_uspace | |
4 | Utah Law Review 2008 Number 3 | 2008-07-01 | Text | uu_law_clp | |
5 | Utah Law Review 2013 Number 1 | Text | uu_law_clp | ||
6 | What motivates daily melanoma-prevention behavior?: examining priority of a risk as a predictor of photoprotective adherence among individuals at high familial risk for melanoma following genetic testing | 2018 | Text | ir_etd |