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TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
1 Acquired Esotropia Due to Arnold-Chiari I MalformationLanning B. Kline, MD; J. A. Sharpe, MDNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
2 CPAP in the Therapy of PTCMarilyn C. Kay, MDNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
3 The Diagnosis of Ocular Myasthenia GravisWayne T. Cornblath, MD; Kimberly Ockert, MDNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
4 Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Without Papilledema in Patients with Pulsatile TinnitusJane B. Ward, MD; T. R. Hedges, III, MD; A. BhattNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
5 Occult Perineural Tumor Infiltration of the Trigeminal Nerve: Diagnostic ConsiderationsMartin W. ten Hove, MD; Joel S. Glaser, MD; Norman J. Schatz, MDNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
6 Oculomotor Spasm with Cyclic Palsy: A New Clinical Entity?Jane B. Ward, MD; T. R. Hedges, III, MD; A. BhattNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
7 The Significance and Investigation of Isolated Pupil Sparing Third Nerve PalsyRobert M. McFadzean; Evelyn M. Teasdale; M. S. Hussain; J. I. Fatukasi; Donal BrosnahanNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
8 Tensilon Testing in Normal and Strabismic PatientsR. Michael Siatkowski, MD; L. Shah, MDNANOS 1995: Science Platform Presentations (Session III)
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