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TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
1 A Comparison of Giant Cell Arteritis Management in Subspecialty and Primary Care SettingsRahul Sharma; Kim Vo; Lucia Petito; Danah AlbreikiNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
2 A Retrospective Chart Review of Treated Healing/Healed Arteritis Versus Untreated Healing/Healed ArteritisHenry Liu; Danah AlbreikiNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
3 A serial study of retrograde trans-synaptic degeneration following post-geniculate injuryRebecca Chen; Samantha Goldburg; Jamie Mitchell; Cristiano Oliveira; Marc DinkinNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
4 A simple and inexpensive techniques of documenting and video-recording ocular motility and nystagmusTarek A. ShazlyNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
5 Age-associated reduction in retinal tissue perfusion in a health populationJianhua Wang; Ying Lin; Yi Liu; Giovana Gameiro; Chuanhui Dong; Tatjana Rundek; Hong JiangNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
6 An Assessment of Electroencephalogram (EEG) Eyeblink Artifact as a Clinical Measurement in Parkinsons PatientsTavish Nanda; Derek Chong; Meghan FlemingNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
7 The Angioarchitecture of the Optic Nerve Head in Patients with Optic Disc DrusenJulie Vahlgren; Lasse Malmqvist; Lea Rueløkke; Anna Isabelle Karlesand; Anne-Sofie Lindberg; Steffen HamannNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
8 Association of age-related macular degeneration with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's diseaseDonghyun JeeNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
9 Attitudes and Perceptions of Neurology Residents in the United States to Neuro-ophthalmologyBryce Buchowicz; Adeniyi FisayoNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
10 Azithromycin as a possible neuroprotective drug in mouse model of optic nerve crushNitza Goldenberg-Cohen; Ofira Zloto; Moran Fridman; Shirel WeissNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
11 Characteriests of video head impulse test in patients with posterior inferior cerebellar artery strokeHyun-June Shin; Jin-Ju Kang; Ju-Hee Chae; Sun-Young OhNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
12 Circumpapillary and macular vessel density correlates with neural loss in eyes with band atrophyMario L. R. Monteiro; Ana Claudia Suzuki; Leandro Zacharias; Rony Preti; Leonardo CunhaNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
13 Clinical Characteristics of Spasmus Nutans and Their Association with Optic Pathway Gliomas/Sellar MassesNeena Cherayil; Grant Liu; Robert AveryNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
14 Clinical evaluation of adverse outcomes in patients diagnosed with healing/healed arteritis on temporal artery biopsyHarrish Nithianandan; Carter Lim; Danah AlbreikiNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
15 Comparison of Clinical Features between NMOSD and MS Involving the Brainstem and CerebellumSun-Uk Lee; Hyo-Jung Kim; Jae-Hwan Choi; Jeong-Yoon Choi; Ji-Soo KimNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
16 Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging findings and Ocular examination in patients of Hypoxic Ischemic EncephalopathyGunjan Saluja; Swati Phuljhele Aalok; B. Niranjana; Pradeep Sharma; Rohit SaxenaNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
17 Current Attitudes and Perceptions of Ophthalmology Trainees about Neuro-OphthalmologyVenkatesh Brahma; Jessica Chow; Valerie BiousseNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
18 Defining Markers of Neuroaxonal Injury and Repair in a Compressive Model of Optic NeuropathyFiona Costello; Andrew Ryu; Stefan Lang; Yves Starreveld; Alim Mitha; Jodie Burton; David Ben IsraelNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
19 Development of a Novel Gene Therapy Using SIRT1 Signaling for Neuro-protection in Optic NeuropathiesAhmara G. Ross; Devin McDougald; Reas Khan; Kimberly Dine; Jean Bennett; Kenneth ShindlerNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
20 Development of a Survey to Explore Current Practice Patterns Amongst Neuro-ophthalmologistsMadhura Tamhankar; Kimberly Winges; Heather Moss; WIN Steering Committee MembersNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
21 Diagnosis of neurodegenerative disease-related visual symptoms: a survey of practicing neuro-ophthalmologistsYin Allison Liu; Victoria Pelak; Gregory Van Stavern; Heather MossNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
22 Diagnostic Error and Neuro-OphthalmologyLeanne D. Stunkel, Nancy J. Newman, Valerie BiousseNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
23 The diagnostic value of MRI for ophthalmologic emergenciesManon Philibert; Franois Audren; Vincent Toanen; Rabih Hage; Augustin Lecler; Adrien Collin; Franoise Heran; Julien Savatovsky; Mickael Obadia; Catherine Vignal-ClermontNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
24 Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in ehtambutol induced Optic neuropathyKumudini Sharma; Vaibhav Jain; Sunil JainNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
25 Does time equal vision in the acute treatment of NMOSD and other antibody-mediated optic neuritis?Hadas Stiebel-Kalish; Mark Hellmann; Michael Mimouni; Omer Bialer; Michael Bach; Itay LotanNAM 2019: Poster Session II: Scientific Advancements in Neuro-Ophthalmology
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