1 - 25 of 9
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TitleCreatorRelation Is Part Of
1 Cerebral Control of Saccades Assessed with Presaccadic PotentialsMark L. Moster1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
2 Clinical Significance of Tournay's Pupillary PhenomenonTerry A. Cox, MD, PhD1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
3 Congenital Nystagmus Foveation Periods and OscillopsiaL. F. Dell'Osso, PhD; R. J. Leigh1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
4 Inverse Latent Macro Square-Wave JerksKenneth W, Houchin, MD; Jonathan D. Wirtschafter, MD; John H. Anderson, MD, PhD1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
5 Isolated Bilateral Fascicular Sixth Cranial Palsies as Initial Presentations of Multiple SclerosisWarren L Felton III, MD; Rajesh K Ralpel, MD1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
6 Isolated Nuclear Third Nerve Palsy: An Unusual Complication of Cerebral AngiographyMatthew D. Kay; Thomas A. Mize1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
7 Lid Closure Associated with Facial MovementsPrimitivo D. Roca1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
8 Orbital Intramuscular Schwannoma: A Rare Cause of Rectus Muscle EnlargementD. Hal Capps, MD; Michael C. Brodsky, MD; Charles D. Rice, MD; Robert E. Mrak, MD, PhD; Charles M. Qlasier, MD; Harry H. Brown1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
9 Paroxysmal Oculosympathetic Paresis and Spasm with Segmental MyoclonusWilliam A. Fletcher, MD1990 NANOS: Case Presentations II
1 - 25 of 9