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1 The association of physical activity knowledge, nutrition knowledge, and physical activity enjoyment in low socioeconomic elementary school children2017Text
2 The association of prepregnancy body mass index, gestational weight gain, and child birth weight with markers of metabolic dysfunction in obese children and adolescents2017Text
3 association of sugar intake and inflammation in newly diagnosed colorectal cancer patients2017Text
4 Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging abdominal adiposity and body composition in preterm and term infants2013-08Text
5 Dietary intake patterns of Tongan Americans in Utah2007-07-16Text
6 The effect of intrauterine growth restriction on ATP citrate lyase and elastin histone acetylation in rat lung2013-08Text
7 The effect of intrauterine growth restriction on the expression of the PPAR? target gene, SETD8 in adipose and liver of the rat2011-08Text
8 Effect of leucine supplementation on loss of lean body mass during prolonged hypoxic exposure: a double-blind randomized study2013-05Text
9 The effect of postnatal growth restriction on serum fatty acids and lung fatty acid interacting proteins in the rat2017Text
10 Effect of sex and intrauterine growth restriction on epigenetic determinants in rat subcutaneous adipose tissue2014-05Text
11 The effects of 5 days of bed rest on insulin sensitivity and ceramide biosynthesis expression in skeletal muscle of older adults2015-08Text
12 The effects of diabetes on retinal very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids2018Text
13 Effects of high-fat vs. low-fat diets on mammalian target of rapamycin signaling and metabolic measures in spontaneously hypertensive rats2010-12Text
14 Effects of intrauterine growth restriction and a maternal high fat diet on epigenetic determinants in rat lung2013-08Text
15 The effects of metabolites of polyphenols and vitamin E on modulating the high glucose-induced endothelial dysfunction2013-08Text
16 Efficacy of ProvexCV to reduce hypertension in individuals with metabolic syndrome2011-12Text
17 Estimating energy availability and examining its association with bone mineral density in male cyclists2012-12Text
18 Evaluation of diet quality in children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome using the Healthy Eating Index-20102015-08Text
19 Impact of dietary magnesium upon insulin sensitivity, vascular function, and metabolic complications during development of type 2 diabetes2017Text
20 Limited postnatal feeding reduces the PPARy-Setd8-H4K20me-1_WNT pathway in the lung of chronically ventilated preterm lambs2015-05Text
21 Nutrition knowledge, behaviors, and body weight correlations of young adults with intellectual disabilities before and after a community-based intervention2011-05Text
22 The relationship between adiponectin to leptin ratio, metabolic dysfunction, and diet in the pediatric obese2013-08Text
23 Reliability and validity of a breastfeeding knowledge survey in allied health students2010Text
24 Sex-divergent impact of docosahexaenoic acid supplementation on the lung of postnatal growth restricted rats2018Text
25 Uteroplacental insufficiency causes sex-divergent changes in the placental PPARγ-Setd8 axis in the rat2018Text
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