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1 Addressing Language-barriers for Spanish-speaking Patients at a Women's Health Clinic2024Textehsl_gradnu
2 Addressing Language-barriers for Spanish-speaking Patients at a Women's Health Clinic2024Textehsl_gradnu
3 Attitudes of registered nurses towards the suicidal patient1964-06Textir_etd
4 Educating Rural Nurses Regarding Therapeutic Care Following Fetal Demise2015Textehsl_gradnu
5 The Effect of the psychiatric nursing approach on follow through of mental health center applicants1968-06Textir_etd
6 Enhancing Patient Care: Modernizing the Call Light System for Improved Healthcare Quality2024Textehsl_gradnu
7 Enhancing Patient Care: Modernizing the Call Light System for Improved Healthcare Quality2024Textehsl_gradnu
9 Flo Lamb with Patient (1980s)Imageehsl_hhs
10 Goals of Care: Recommendations for How to Improve End-of-Life Care and Quality of Life among Patients with Heart Failure2015Textehsl_gerint
11 The Impact of Nurse Leader Rounding on Patient Satisfaction Scores2020Textehsl_gradnu
12 The Impact of Nurse Leader Rounding on Patient Satisfaction Scores2020Textehsl_gradnu
13 Implementing a Goals of Care Simulation for Student Nurse Practitioners: An Evidence-based Practice Project2024Textehsl_gradnu
14 Implementing a Goals of Care Simulation for Student Nurse Practitioners: An Evidence-based Practice Project2024Textehsl_gradnu
15 Improving Primary Care Provider Advance Care Planning Awareness2019Textehsl_gradnu
16 Improving Primary Care Provider Advance Care Planning Awareness2019Textehsl_gradnu
17 Increasing Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Providers2018Textehsl_gradnu
18 Increasing Emotional Intelligence in Providers2018Textehsl_gradnu
19 Miscarriage in the Emergency Department: A Guideline for Emergency Room Nurses in the Emotional Care of the Miscarrying Patient2019Textehsl_gradnu
20 Miscarriage in the Emergency Department: A Guideline for Emergency Room Nurses in the Emotional Care of the Miscarrying Patient2019Textehsl_gradnu
21 The Role of a Discharge Nurse in Expediting the Discharge Process2021Textehsl_nursebp
22 Seamless Care from Sexual Assault through First Follow-Up Appointment for Victims at Risk of HIV Exposure through Nurse-Facilitated NPEP Management2013Textehsl_gradnu
23 Utilizing Scripted Communication in the Health Care Setting2016Textehsl_gradnu
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