76 - 100 of 457
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76 Diabetes Management in the Very Elderly: An Integrative Review of Glycemic Guidelines and Assessment of Current Practice for the Treatment of Diabetes in the Elderly2013Textehsl_gradnu
77 Diabetes Self-Management Education & Collaborative Goal Setting in Primary Care2019Textehsl_ebp
78 Diabetic Foot Exams: Making The Assessment a Part of Clinic Flow2016Textehsl_ebp
79 Discharge Teaching and Relationship with HCAHPS2018Textehsl_ebp
80 Diversity Dinners: Share a Meal, Find Belonging, Enhance Community2024Textehsl_ebp
81 DNP Project: Reintroducing Noninvasive Ventilation2013Textehsl_gradnu
82 Does Anti-Racism Education Check the Box or Move the Needle?2020Textehsl_nursebp
83 Drug Cost Awareness2017Textehsl_ebp
84 Early Mobilization in Mechanically Ventilated Patients: A QI Project at a Large Teaching Institution2016Textehsl_gradnu
85 Early Sepsis Intervention and Education with EMS Teams2019Textehsl_ebp
86 Early Septicemia Recognition and Intervention Education for the Pre-Hospital Setting2020Textehsl_gradnu
87 Early Septicemia Recognition and Intervention Education for the Pre-Hospital Setting2020Textehsl_gradnu
88 Eating Disorder Screening and Treatment Protocol in a Student Health Care Setting2017Textehsl_gradnu
89 ECHO within a Health System2016Textehsl_ebp
90 Education, Nursing, Graduate; Telemedicine in Critical Care: Provider Acceptance of a Tele-ICU Program2015Textehsl_gradnu
91 Effect of a Faculty Cohort Mentoring Program on Prelicensure Baccalaureate Nursing Students Well-being and Resiliency2024Textehsl_ebp
92 Effect of Modified Early Warning Score on Time to Antibiotics, Mortality and Length of Stay in Patients admitted to Huntsman Cancer Hospital2016Textehsl_ebp
93 The Effect of Scheduled Quarterly Conversations with Nurse Manager on Nursing Staff Engagement Scores2018Textehsl_ebp
94 Effect of the mEWS Alert System on Sepsis Treatment2016Textehsl_ebp
95 Effecting Readmission of Adolescent Mental Health Patients2021Textehsl_nursebp
96 Effective Identification of Sepsis in the Emergency Department2018Textehsl_gradnu
97 Effective Medication Education on Readmission Rates Among Heart Failure Patients2022Textehsl_nursebp
98 The Effects of a Postpartum Hemorrhage Checklist on Provider Self-Efficacy2019Textehsl_gradnu
99 The Effects of Health Information Station in Uncontrolled Hypertensive Patients2017Textehsl_ebp
100 Emergency Department Cardiac Arrest and the Nurse Led Code2019Textehsl_ebp
76 - 100 of 457