Title | Creator | History |
1 |
 | A Wolf in Bear's Clothing | Peter W. MacIntosh; Agatha Bogard; Pete Setabutr; Heather E. Moss | An eleven-month-old African-American girl with medical history of reactive airway disease developed a bump and bags under both eyes which her mother attributed to minor trauma. There were no signs of systemic illness. A week later, her mother noticed more prominent right eye edema and a new bump beh... |
2 |
 | A Wolf in Bear's Clothing | Peter W. MacIntosh; Agatha Bogard; Pete Setabutr; Heather E. Moss | An eleven-month-old African-American girl with medical history of reactive airway disease developed a bump and bags under both eyes which her mother attributed to minor trauma. There were no signs of systemic illness. A week later, her mother noticed more prominent right eye edema and a new bump beh... |
3 |
 | A Wolf in Bear's Clothing | Peter W. MacIntosh; Agatha Bogard; Pete Setabutr; Heather E. Moss | An eleven-month-old African-American girl with medical history of reactive airway disease developed a bump and bags under both eyes which her mother attributed to minor trauma. There were no signs of systemic illness. A week later, her mother noticed more prominent right eye edema and a new bump beh... |