Title | Description | Type |
1 |
 | 3 Step Test | Demonstration of patient examination. | Image/MovingImage |
2 |
 | A-scan Technique | This video describes and demonstrates the A-scan examination technique for examination of the eye using ultrasonography. | Image/MovingImage |
3 |
 | Abducting (Dissociated) Nystagmus | Example of a patient with abducting (dissociated) nystagmus. Patient has a subtle internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Right eye has right-beating jerk nystagmus, with smaller oscillations in the left eye. Disease/Diagnosis: Abducting Nystagmus | Image/MovingImage |
4 |
 | Aberrant Regeneration of the Lid | Patient with left third nerve palsy demonstrates anisocoria and mild vertical gaze limitation and aberrant movement of the left upper lid. Patient is instructed through all gaze positions. Left upper lid does not descend during downgaze but retracts instead. | Image/MovingImage |
5 |
 | Aberrant Regeneration of the Seventh Nerve | Examples of patients with aberrant regeneration of the seventh nerve. First example is a patient with contractions around the mouth and dimpling, demonstrated with slow and rapid eye blinking. Second example shows contraction around nose with eye blink. | Image/MovingImage |
6 |
 | Aberrant Regeneration of the Third | Patient with a right third nerve palsy demonstrates ptosis, anisocoria and ophthalmoplegia. During attempted downgaze, the right upper lid flutters back up (aberrant movement) and remains retracted. | Image/MovingImage |
7 |
 | Aberrant Regeneration of the Third and Sixth Nerves | | Image/MovingImage |
8 |
 | Aberrant Regeneration of Third Nerve, Bilaterally (1 degree OD, 2 Digrees OS) | Example of patient with bilateral aberrancy of the third nerve. Shows lids popping up (synkinetic) with adduction. Patient had bilateral internal carotid artery aneurisms with third nerve compression. | Image/MovingImage |
9 |
 | Amsler Grid Testing | Demonstration of Amsler Grid examination. | Text |
10 |
 | B-scan Technique | This video describes and demonstrates the B-scan examination technique for examination of the eye using ultrasonography. | Image/MovingImage |
11 |
 | Basic Eye Alignment Exam | Demonstration of basic eye alignment examination. Includes: a. Tools b. Cover-Uncover and SPCT c. Alternate Cover and APCT d. Maddox Rod Testing | Image/MovingImage |
12 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam | Demonstration of a basic neurologic examination. | Image/MovingImage |
13 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam: Coordination | Demonstration of a coordination examination. | Image/MovingImage |
14 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam: Cranial Nerves | Demonstration of a cranial nerve examination. | Image/MovingImage |
15 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam: Mental Status | Demonstration of a mental status examination. | Image/MovingImage |
16 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam: Motor Examination | Demonstration of a motor examination. | Image/MovingImage |
17 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam: Sensory | Demonstration of a sensory examination. | Image/MovingImage |
18 |
 | Basic Neurologic Exam: Station and Gait | Demonstration of a station and gait examination. | Image/MovingImage |
19 |
 | Before Tensilon | Example of patient with myasthenia gravis. Demonstration of baseline examination, followed by administration of 2mg of tensilon, which is a test dose. Procedure for administration of tensilon test is described, including variations. Patient is then shown after being given 4mg of tensilon, with very ... | Image/MovingImage |
20 |
 | Bilateral Asynchronous Blepharospasm with Facial and Cervical Dystonia | Bilateral Asynchronous Blepharospasm with Facial and Cervical Dystonia. | Image/MovingImage |
21 |
 | Bilateral Facial Myokymia | Example of a patient with a brain stem glioma. Shows bilateral facial myokymia. | Image/MovingImage |
22 |
 | Bilateral Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia | Example of patient with bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Patient is led through instructions for direction and distance of gaze. | Image/MovingImage |
23 |
 | Bilateral Ptosis | Video of patient with bilateral ptosis. | Image/MovingImage |
24 |
 | Binocular Pendular Nystagmus | Example of a patient with binocular pendular nystagmus. Patient has somewhat dissociated nystagmus, with nystagmus seen more prominently in the left eye. Patient shows an occasional jerk nystagmus to the right in the right eye. Left eye oscillations are mostly pendular. | Image/MovingImage |
25 |
 | Blepharospasm | Example of patient with blepharospasm. Patient is led through instructions for direction of gaze and opening and closing of eyes. Patient is led through same exercises again after receiving indomethacin treatment. | Image/MovingImage |