Title | Date | Description | Subject |
1 |
 | InfoFair 1988- Demonstrations and Exhibits Part 1 | 1988 | InfoFair 1988, Demonstrations and Exhibits. InfoFair 1988- "New Interfaces to Health Sciences Information." Thursday, March 31, 1988. | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1988- Demonstrations and Exhibits Part 2 | 1988 | InfoFair 1988, Demonstrations and Exhibits. InfoFair 1988- "New Interfaces to Health Sciences Information." Thursday, March 31, 1988. | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1988- Demonstrations and Exhibits: Highlights | 1988 | InfoFair 1988, Demonstrations and Exhibits Highlight Reel. InfoFair 1988- "New Interfaces to Health Sciences Information." Thursday, March 31, 1988. | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1988- Robert A. Greenes, M.D., Ph.D. Lecture: "All is in Windowland: The Promise of Desktop Knowledge" | 1988 | Robert A. Greenes, M.D., Ph.D. Presenting "All is in Windowland: The Promise of Desktop Knowledge." InfoFair 1988- "New Interfaces to Health Sciences Information." Thursday, March 31, 1988. | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1989- Alexa T. McCray, Ph.D. Lecture: "The Unified Medical Language System: Improved Access to Biomedical Information" | 1989 | Alexa T. McCray, Ph.D. Presenting "The Unified Medical Language System: Improved Access to Biomedical Information." InfoFair 1989- "Intelligent Access to Information." Thursday, March 30, 1989 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1989- Edward A. Fox, Ph.D. Lecture: "Expert-Based Information Retrieval: The CODER Prototype" | 1989 | Edward A. Fox, Ph.D. Presenting "Expert-Based Information Retrieval: The CODER Prototype." InfoFair 1989- "Intelligent Access to Information." Thursday, March 30, 1989 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1989- Nicholas J. Belkin, Ph.D. Lecture: "Intelligent Information Retrieval: An Overview" | 1989 | Nicholas J. Belkin, Ph.D. Presenting "Intelligent Information Retrieval: An Overview." InfoFair 1989- "Intelligent Access to Information." Thursday, March 30, 1989 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1989: Eyewitness News Clips, "All the Byte Stuff": Health Sciences Campus Technology Promotional Materials | 1989 | Eyewitness News (Ed Yeates) reports on technology at the Health Sciences Campus at the University of Utah; "All the Byte Stuff": University of Utah Health Sciences Campus technology promotional materials. InfoFair 1989- "Intelligent Access to Information." Thursday, March 30, 1989 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1990- Gordon Moreshead Lecture: "Hospital Information Systems for the Department of Veterans Affairs" | 1990 | Gordon Moreshead Presenting "Hospital Information Systems for the Department of Veterans Affairs." InfoFair 1990- "Hospital Information Systems and U of U Computer Applications and Services." Thursday, March 29, 1990 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1990- John Morgan, Ph.D. Lecture: "The HELP System" | 1990 | John Morgan, Ph.D. Presenting "The HELP System." InfoFair 1990- "Hospital Information Systems and U of U Computer Applications and Services." Thursday, March 29, 1990 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1990- Steven M. Witz, Ph.D. Lecture: "Hospital Information Systems and Open Architecture" | 1990 | Steven M. Witz, Ph.D. Presenting "Hospital Information Systems and Open Architecture. " InfoFair 1990- "hospital Information Systems and U of U Computer Applications and Services." Thursday, March 29, 1990 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1990- T. Allen Pryor, Ph.D. Lecture: "Knowledge-Based Hospital Information Systems: Beyond Data and Into Quality" | 1990 | T. Allen Pryor, Ph.D. Presenting "Knowledge-Based Hospital Systems: Beyond Data and Into Quality." InfoFair 1990- "Hospital Information Systems and U of U Computer Applications and Services." Thursday, March 29, 1990 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1991- Mark S. Tuttle Lecture: "META-1: The World's First Metathesaurus of Biomedicine" | 1991 | Mark S. Tuttle Presenting "META-1: The World's First Metathesaurus of Biomedicine." InfoFair 1991- "Connections for the '90s." Thursday, April 4, 1991 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1991- Stanley M. Huff, M.D.; Nina E. Dougherty and Bruce E. Bray, M.D.; and W. Clay Epstein Lectures | 1991 | Staley M. Huff, M.D. Presenting "Use of META-1 for Representation of Patient Data"; Nina E. Dougherty and Bruce E. Bray, M.D. Presenting "The UMLS Information Sources Map"; W. Clay Epstein Presenting "The University of Utah Health Sciences Network: An Update." InfoFair 1991- "Connections for the '90... | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1995- Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. Lecture: "The Virtual Hospital" and Meet the Experts Panel Discussion | 1995 | Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D. Presenting "The Virtual Hospital: A Ubiquitous Organization Serving Health Care Providers and Patients" and Meet the Experts Panel Discussion: Michael P. D'Alessandro, M.D., Linda L. Lange, R.N., Ed.D., Wayne J. Peay, Marta J. Petersen, M.D., and Homer R. Warner, M.D., ... | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1997- Paul D. Clayton, Ph.D. Lecture: "Confidentiality of Patient Data in the Age of the Internet" | 1997 | Paul D. Clayton, Ph.D. Presenting "Confidentiality of Patient Data in the Age of the Internet." InfoFair 1997- "Internet Strategies for Health Data and Education." Thursday, April 24, 1997 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1998- Cramer & Bennett Lecture: "Incorporating Evidence-Based Health Care Into Your Clinical Practice" | 1998 | Joseph G. Cramer, M.D., and Marc H. Bennett, M.A. Presenting "Incorporating Evidence-Based Health Care Into Your Clinical Practice." InfoFair 1998- "Evidence-Based Health Care." Thursday, April 30, 1998 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1998- Lombardo & McCloskey Lecture: "Keeping Up with the Health Care Literature" | 1998 | Nancy T. Lombardo, M.L.S and Kathleen M. McCloskey, M.L.S. Presenting "Keeping Up with the Health Care Literature." InfoFair 1998- "Evidence-Based Health Care." Thursday, April 30, 1998 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1998- Meet the Experts Panel Discussion: "Evidence-Based Health Care in Utah" | 1998 | Meet the Experts Panel Discussion: "Evidence-Based Health Care in Utah." Moderator: Wayne J. Peay; Panelists: Byron D. Bair, M.D.; Grant W. Cannon, M.D.; A. Peter Catinella, M.D.; Joseph G. Cramer, M.D.; Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D.; R. Brian Haynes, M.D., Ph.D.; linda L. Lange, M.S., Ed.D., R.N.; Arthur ... | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1998- R. Brian Haynes, M.D., Ph.D. Lecture: "Evidence-Based Health Care: Then and Now ... and Soon" | 1998 | R. Brian Haynes, M.D., Ph.D. Presenting "Evidence-Based Health Care: Then and Now ... and Soon." InfoFair 1998- "Evidence-Based Health Care." Thursday, April 30, 1998 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1999- Hile and McCloskey Lecture: "Straight From the Headlines: Web Resources for Health Topics in the Popular Media" | 1999 | Deborah Hile, M.L.S and Kathleen M. McCloskey, M.L.S. Presenting "Straight From the Headlines: Web Resources for Health Topics in the Popular Media." InfoFair 1999- "SMART Patients: Consumer Health Informatics Responds to a Changing Health Care Environment." Friday, April 16, 1999 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 1999- Jackie A. Smith, Ph.D. Lecture: "Computer Initiatives in Patient Education: The Patient Education for U Project" | 1999 | Jackie A. Smith, Ph.D. Presenting "Computer Initiatives in Patient Education: The Patient Education for U Project." InfoFair 1999- "SMART Patients: Consumer Health Informatics Responds to a Changing Health Care Environment." Friday, April 16, 1999 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 2003- "Next Generation Communication" Active Class with William G. Griswold | 2003 | Active Class with William G. Griswold; InfoFair 2003- "Next Generation Communication." Tuesday, March 25, 2003. | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 2003- Demonstration: "Touch: Patient Simulator" | 2003 | Demonstration of "Touch: Patient Simulator," simulation A.I. engine that dynamically governs changes in physiology, physical findings, movement and events, as well as responses to the user. InfoFair 2003- "Next Generation Communication" | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |
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 | InfoFair 2003- Mary M. Case Lecture: "Saving Science, Saving Lives: Why Choices You Make When Publishing Matter" | 2003 | Mary M. Case Presenting "Saving Science, Saving Lives: Why Choices You Make When Publishing Matter." InfoFair 2003- "Next Generation Communication." Tuesday, March 25, 2003 | Anniversaries and Special Events; Libraries, Medical; Electronic Resources; Information Services; Universities; Utah |