101 - 125 of 139
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101 Indicator profile of work-related injury deaths /Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on work-related injury deaths, age 16 and over, Utah and U.S., 1992-2002
102 Indicator profile of motor vehicle crash injury hospitalizations /Violence and Injury Prevention Program; Bureau of Health Promotion; Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah Dept. of HealthPresents data on motor vehicle crash emergency department encounters by age group and sex, Utah, 1996-1998.
103 Indicator profile of dental caries experience : children age 6-8 /Utah. Oral Health Program; Utah. Bureau of Maternal and Child Health; Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data on percentage of children who had ever had dental caries by local health district, Utah, children 6-8 years old, 2000.
104 Indicator profile of health care costs, annual rate of increase /Utah. Division of Health Care Financing; Utah. Dept. of HealthPresents data of annual percentage increase in per capita medical costs, U.S., Rocky Mountain region, and Utah, 1981-1998.
105 Bureau of Epidemiology Annual Report 2003Utah Dept. of Health. Bureau of EpidemiologyAnnual disease reports.
106 Bureau of Epidemiology Annual Report 2002Utah Dept. of Health. Bureau of EpidemiologyAnnual disease reports.
107 Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Trend Report, 1989-1999Utah has participated in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) since it began in 1984 and when only 14 other states participated. This report examines trends for selected BRFSS measures over 11 years from 1989 to 1999. The Utah statewide rates are compared to the rates for states bo...
108 2000 Utah Child Health Survey : Children with Special Health Care Needs /Utah. Office of Public Health Assessment; Utah. Center for Health DataThis report is intended to provide an overview of the information collected in the 2000 Utah Child Health Survey. The survey was designed to address the important health issues among Utah children, including health insurance coverage, special health care needs, and patterns of health care delivery a...
109 Bureau of Epidemiology Annual Report 2001Utah Dept. of Health. Bureau of EpidemiologyAnnual disease reports.
110 2000 Utah Child Health Survey : General Population Overview /Utah. Office of Public Health Assessment; Utah. Center for Health DataThis report is intended to provide an overview of the information collected in the 2000 Utah Child Health Survey. The survey was designed to address the important health issues among Utah children, including health insurance coverage, special health care needs, and patterns of health care delivery a...
111 Bureau of Epidemiology Annual Report 2000Utah Dept. of Health. Bureau of EpidemiologyAnnual disease reports.
112 Utah Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System : Local Health District Report, 1995-1998Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services; Utah. Bureau of Health Education; Utah. Bureau of Chronic Disease; Utah. Center for Health Data; Utah. Office of Public Health AssessmentOverall, the Utah population is relatively young and healthy. Its death rate is much lower than that for the U.S. (all cause deaths), and it has especially low rates of death for lung cancer and heart disease. These low rates are at least partially attributable to Utah's healthy lifestyles, such as ...
113 1996 Health Status Survey : Lifestyle Factors in Utah /Utah. Office of Public Health Data; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and AnalysisIt is clear from research that choices people make about health behaviors can substantially increase or decrease their risk of life threatening conditions including heart disease, cancer, and injuries. Public health efforts to prevent chronic disease encourage people to eat a diet high in fruits and...
114 Health Status in Utah by Race and Ethnicity /Utah. Office of Public Health Data; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and AnalysisAn understanding of the health status of a population is necessary to plan, implement, describe, and evaluate public health programs that control and prevent adverse health events. A 1988 Institute of Medicine committee,1 in a report entitled, The Future of Public Health recommended that... "...ever...
115 1996 Health Status Survey : Health Care Access and Utilization /Utah. Office of Public Health Data; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and AnalysisAssuring access to health care has been defined by the Institute of Medicine as one of the key functions of government in public health1. In addition to the ability to access medical care for an acute medical problem, having a primary health care provider, or a "medical home" is also believed to pro...
116 Bureau of Epidemiology Annual Report 1999Utah Dept. of Health. Bureau of EpidemiologyAnnual disease reports.
117 Overview of the 1996 Health Status Survey /Utah. Office of Public Health Data; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and AnalysisThe Health Status Survey Overview Report provides information on 39 health measures from the 1996 Health Status Survey, plus a variety of Utah demographic characteristics from the survey and elsewhere. The 39 health measures represent most of the topical areas covered in the 1996 survey. This report...
118 1996 Health Status Survey : Interpersonal Violence in Utah /Utah. Office of Public Heallth Data; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and AnalysisInterpersonal violence is increasingly recognized as an important issue in public health. Violent acts, such as child abuse, domestic violence, elder abuse, and gang violence cause physical and emotional harm to persons, and harm families and communities. The prevalence of interpersonal violence may...
119 1996 Health Status Survey: Chronic Medical Conditions in Utah /Utah. Office of Public Health Data.; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and Analysis.Of the ten leading causes of death in the United States in 1990, more than half were chronic diseases, including heart disease, cancers, cerebrovascular disease (also known as stroke), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, and chronic liver diseases. Heart disease, cancer, and ce...
120 1996 Health Status Survey : Limitations of Activities in Utah /Utah. Office of Public Health Data.; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and Analysis.Overall in 1996, 7.2% of all Utahns were estimated to have some type of limitation of their daily activities. In 1991 the Health Status Survey estimate was 4.9%. The questions asked in the two survey years were virtually identical. Although differences in some aspect of the survey methodology is alw...
121 1996 Health Status Survey : Socio-economic Status and Health in Utah /Utah. Office of Public Health Data.; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and Analysis.Socio-economic status (SES) has been recognized as an important determinant of health since the early part of this century. The 1994 conference on .Measuring Social Inequalities in Health. recommended that health data, including government surveys, vital records systems and cancer registries collect...
122 Utah's Healthy People 2000 Health Status Indicators by Local Health DistrictSnyder, Darryl; Shah, Gulzar H.; Neerings, KimThis is an update on the Healthy People 2000 Health Status indicators for the 12 local health department districts in Utah. The data are presented so that policy implications relevant to each local health department district can be considered. Recent national data are presented. Health, as measured ...
123 Bureau of Epidemiology Annual Report 1998Utah Dept. of Health. Bureau of EpidemiologyAnnual disease reports.
124 Report on Maternal and Infant Health in Utah /Utah. Division of Community and Family Health Services.The importance of healthy habits and lifestyle choices cannot be emphasized enough in promoting healthy childbearing. Healthful habits during the childbearing years improve life-long health and may prevent premature death for women. Daily exercise, well-balanced diet, avoidance of tobacco and alcoho...
125 Utah's Healthy People 2000 : Health Status Indicators /Utah. Office of Public Health Data.; Utah. Bureau of Surveillance and Analysis.; Utah. Office of Strategic Planning and Evaluation.Assessing the health status of the population is a fundamental responsibility of public health. Such an assessment is an important guide for public health policy development and for evaluating existing public health programs. The 18 Health Status Indicators for the Year 2000 were developed as part o...
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