1 - 25 of 29
Number of results to display per page
1 Acquiring minds want to know: the art vs. the business of librarianship1995-06Textir_uspace
2 Antibody-directed delivery of copper-67 to tumors1995-06Textir_etd
3 Copper-regulated transcription of metallothionein genes in the yeast Candida glabrata1995-06Textir_etd
4 Cycling Utah Vol. 3, No. 4, 1995 June1995-06Textuu_cycut
5 Deformation and stress in the vertebral endplate and outer annulus fibrosus.1995-06Textir_etd
6 Effect of bitumen-derived coke on deactivation of hydrodemetallation catalyst (Abstract)1995-06Textir_etd
7 Effect of body temperature on the acute decrease of tryptophan hydroxylase activity induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine1995-06Textir_etd
8 The effects of life events on the performance of health-promoting behaviors of young and middle aged men.1995-06Textir_etd
9 Electronic and elastic properties of edge dislocations in Si1995-06Textir_uspace
10 Functional studies of the E74A protein during Drosophila metamorphosis.1995-06Textir_etd
11 IAIMS Newsletter- June 19951995-06Textehsl_history
12 Immunochemical characterization of the gamma-subunit of phosphorylase kinase1995-06Textir_etd
13 Interview with C. Alfred Frost1995-06Textdha_uhsoh
14 Interview with Homer Dale1995-06Textdha_uhsoh
15 Interview with Kent Smith Frost1995-06Textdha_uhsoh
16 Jennifer Susan Palmer and Michaelann Nelson graduation photo1995-06Image; Textdha_pour
17 Journal of Neuro-Ophthalmology, June 1995, Volume 15, Issue 21995-06Textehsl_novel_jno
18 Lipid phase structure contributions to bilayer barrier function1995-06Textir_etd
19 Modeling a coupled fluidized-bed process for extraction of tar sand bitumen1995-06Textir_etd
20 Parallel solution of Poisson's problems on irregular domain.1995-06Textir_computersa
21 Protein kinase C and calcium binding proteins in Balanus photoreceptors1995-06Textir_etd
22 Recognition of adolescent depression in primary care by nurse- practitioners: a descriptive study1995-06Textir_etd
23 Salt Lake City display in Budapest, 1995.1995-06uum_map_usa
24 The use of inverse rendering in lighting design1995-06Textir_computersa
25 Utahns home from Budapest after the announcement that Salt Lake would host the 2002 Winter Olympic Games, June 1995.1995-06uum_map_usa
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